Monday Memos Week 1 Term 3

Welcome back all and sundry, we hope you had a fantastic mid year break and that the kiddies are ready for their last semester of primary schooling. Ahead, we have an exciting and busy term with some key things to note...

  1. Concert
  2. Beginning the Exhibition process
  3. Fingers crossed for an excursion or two as well
On a more general level here are the ‘need to knows’ for the Senior Unit.


Sport Uniform days will now be Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Formal Uniform will be the days starting with ‘T’

Remember that Senior students are role models for the rest of the student population and so it is important that they set the benchmark in appropriate wearing of the uniform. For the most part, students have been great this year. 

Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.

List 16 - the long ‘oo’ sound 

Picture Books
This term we are looking at the world of ‘Picture Books’. As a part of this, we are encouraging students to bring in a favourite picture book by next Monday. We aim to carry out a task with this book so if you can support your child to locate a favourite, that would be great. If your child needs any assistance from us, we will support them with some advice and or alternatives. 

Here is one of Mr Semmler’s favourites...

Whole School Update…


Welcome back to Term 3.  We hope you had an enjoyable break with lots of family time. 

  • Term 3 is a 10 week term and concludes Friday 24 September
  • Daryl and Simon will be absent for the first 2 weeks of term and in their absence please refer any matters to Andrew Boesch
  • Welcome to the 3 new families starting at Immanuel this term


COVID Check-In 

  • Please remember to check in at Immanuel School Gawler using our QR Code which is displayed at each entrance gate and classroom.
  • There is a paper based check in form in the office for those who cannot check in using a mobile device.  


Building Works

  • The refurbishment is underway to the rooms on the northern side of Taikondi (Year 2 & 3 rooms plus staffroom & music rooms).  
    There is no access into Taikondi this week.  
  • The CU2 building is coming along well.  


School Lane – entering and exiting

  • If you park in the top deck area (school lane carpark and tennis courts) you should now exit via the driveway through the house yard onto East Terrace.  (This gate will be open at start of day and end of day and locked during the day.) 
  • If you exit School Lane onto Daly Street, please be reminded there is NO RIGHT TURN in the peak morning and afternoon time slots (8-9am and 3-4pm).  SAPOL have advised us they will be monitoring school traffic and penalties including fines and demerit points may be applied should you not observe the traffic restrictions.  (They may be onsite watching any day this week to monitor.)


Worship and Praise



July Vac Care wrap up

·         We hope all the children enjoyed the days they attended. It was a busy vac care but we had lots of fun.

·         Have a look at our photo wall to see all the things we did.

·         Over the next few days observations from vac care will be posted to your Seesaw. We hope you enjoy reading these. Please leave a comment if you wish

·         We have lots of lost property. If you are missing something please come and have a look. If there are any items left next week, they will be donated to a charity shop.

·         To help with future planning we would like to have some feedback from parents. Please leave this on the clipboard on front desk. We appreciate this feedback both positive and areas we can improve on. 

·         Invoices for vac care will all be out this week. Your prompt payment with this is appreciated


We are still under strict guidelines to keep parents out of the rooms the children are in. So, when signing your children in and out, please wait near the front desk or outside. We will get your children for you. Please do not walk into our rooms.


A reminder that bookings for each week close at 2pm on the Friday beforehand.   Bookings enable correct staff ratios and planning.  You can book in after that via contacting Katrina direct.  Late bookings are charged at casual rates.


School Uniform

  • Please ensure your child’s uniform (jumpers and rugby tops) have been checked and are clearly named, so they are not misplaced this term. 
  • Shoes on formal uniform days should be a black shoe which is able to ‘take a shine’ and be a ‘leather look’.  
    Click here to read our school uniform policy
  • If you need to purchase uniform items, the uniform shop is open Monday mornings and Friday afternoons.
  • Courtney Smart has volunteered to open the second hand uniform stall on Monday afternoons 3.10-3.40pm and Wednesday mornings 8.45-9.15am.   


Subway Lunches

  • This will start again this week.  Lunches in on a Weds for lunch on Fri.  Forms can be collected from the office, on our website, plus one going home today


ICAS Test competitions

  • These optional test for students in yr 2-6 will start in August.  Click here to read further information
  • Entry forms and payment need to be returned to the office by this Friday 23 July


Premiers Reading Challenge

  • Students at Immanuel have been taking part in the Premier’s Reading Challenge.  Reading for the Challenge finishes on Friday 3 September so those students participating have 45 days of reading to complete the challenge.


Learning Conferences Term 3

  • These will be scheduled for Weeks 4 and 5 this term – booking info out next week
  • For students with Personal Learning Plans (PLPs), meetings will be held in Week 3.  Your child’s class teacher will be in touch to let you know about arrangements for PLP meetings


Consent 2Go

  • We have decided not to continue with the Consent 2Go student data system (hence so email sent asking for profile updates). 


Circle Time Term 3

  • The theme this term is on “Emotions” and will start next week


Some Term 3 Diary Dates


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