Monday Memos Week 5 Term 3

Welcome to another week. We must say that it was a struggle to get through with no Olympics to watch. Here are a few pointers for this week…

IPad Charging

We have recently had a spate of iPads not being charged and ready to be used at school. While we are ok with students using our chargers in emergencies, it seems that some repeat offenders are not charging their iPads at home at all. This is causing some issues in class as those students are often not organised and ready to begin lessons, nor at times are they able to complete work effectively as their iPads have gone flat. We ask that you please support and encourage your child to be more organised and prepared for school. This is important as part of their development as they head towards their secondary education.

Formal Uniform this Wednesday for School Photos


We are looking at the combination of m with a b, e or n. For example: numb, come, hymn

Unit  of Inquiry - Renewable Sources

This week sees us continue with an assignment on Renewable Sources of energy. As a part of this assignment, students are asked to make a model of a construction that harnesses the renewable energy source that they are researching. Below is one of our favourite examples of harnessing the wind.

Here is the info from the whole school perspective…

COVID Requirements
  • Again this week we continue to ask that Parents / Caregivers are not on site any more than is necessary
  • Access to classrooms and other school buildings will remain limited to staff, students and essential services 
  • Parents/caregivers when entering the school will need to wear a face mask and check in via the QR code or complete the hard copy sign-in sheet in the office.  
  • It remains essential that staff, students and others do not come on the school site if they are unwell and that they get tested for COVID-19
  • Parents are asked to pass on these school COVID requirements to other family members and friends who may be collecting your child
School Uniform Policy Update 
The following changes were passed by the School Council Committee last week:
Boys Formal Winter Uniform 
  • Grey trousers or grey shorts can we worn, however boys wearing formal shorts need to wear the green woolen jumper as well. 
Extension of Sports Uniform from Fn to Year 3 students 
  • From 2022 all students in F, 1 & 2 will wear the sports uniform 
(ie the formal girls & boys uniform items will not be worn by year 2 students)
  • From 2023 all students in F, 1, 2 & 3 will wear the sports uniform  
(ie the formal girls & boys uniform items will not be worn by year 2 or year 3 students)
The rationale behind this is that the junior primary students need the flexibility that the sports uniform brings, and the upper primary students will benefit from have the contextual variation of formal and sport uniform for various events and formal functions.  
Student Learning Conferences start this week
  • Tuesday 17 August 3:45pm to 6:00pm
  • Thursday 19 August 3:45pm to 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 25 August 3:45pm to 6:00pm
To book a time logon to & enter the code 657ba 
The online booking system will close 8am tomorrow morning (Tues 17/8).  Thanks to those who have already booked in. 
School Photo Day  Wednesday 18 August  
  • If you haven’t yet returned your envelope please do so ASAP.  
  • All envelopes must be returned, even if you are not ordering or if have ordered on line.  The bar code on the envelope is used to identify each student. 
  • Students (in Yr 2-6) will need to wear their full formal uniform (with green jumper), whilst F-1 students will wear sports uniform (with Rugby Jumper)
  • Photographers will start at 9am with the Year 6s followed by foundation students and then the other year levels, concluding around 1.30pm
National Science Week  - this week, 14 to 22 Aug
  • The theme is “Food: Different by Design”.  Students will be participating in some interactive science activities this week 
National Book Week – next week, 21 to 27 Aug
  • The theme is “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds” 
  • Dress up day is Friday 27 Aug - students can dress up based on the theme or their favourite book character 
  • Tues 17 Aug “Perform Education” will perform to our F-3 students
Circle Time
  • This week’s theme is “Focusing on our feelings”
Student Free Day  Friday 3 Sept
  • This means there is no school for students, however iGOSH will be available 
  • Student Free Day on Friday 3 Sept – iGOSH is open 7am to 6pm
  • Cost of the day is $60 (CCS applied)
  • There will be art / craft, cooking activities and outdoor games, with free time scattered through the day
  • Children to bring recess and lunch. Fruit and a snack of pasta bake will be supplied at 3.45pm
  • Bookings open this Weds 18 Aug at 10am and close Fri 27th Aug at 2pm. Bookings to be made at
  • Confirmation letters will be sent home Mon 30 Aug
  • October Vac Care - program will be out next week. 
  • July Vac Care accounts are now overdue. Your prompt payment with these is appreciated.
  • Please remember to wear a mask, scan the QR code and only come into our service to sign in or out your children.
  • More observations have been added to Seesaw, so please check to see if your child has one to read. 
  • Online bookings for next week will close at 2pm this Friday.  You can book in after that via contacting Katrina direct.  
Worship and Praise 
Other Term 3 Diary Dates 
Open Morning – Tuesday 17 August at 9.30am 
PIE Night (Parent Initiative in Education) - Fri 20 Aug – postponed
Father’s Day Stall – Thurs 2 Sept
Premiers Reading Challenge – closes Fri 3 Sept  
Father’s day – Sun 5 Sept
School Concert – will now be recorded and shared on line at the end term 3
SAPSASA Athletics Day – Weds 8 Sept (for selected Yr 4,5,6 students at Lyndoch Oval) 
Hot Shots Tennis Carnival – Thurs 9 Sept (for selected Yr 4,5 students at Gawler Tennis Courts)
Colour Explosion School Fun Run – Fri 17 Sept
Sports day – Fri 24 Sept
End of Term 3 – Fri 24 Sept

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