With Week 3 finished (but really Week 1), we are still settling in and learning routines and expectations. Part of this settling in is learning to exist and learn in and around a bigger group of students. The good thing is, we are moving in the right direction. Spelling Group 1 - ‘bi’, ‘di’, ‘du’ as in two. Examples: duet, dilemma, bicentenary Group 2 - ‘ai’, ‘ay’, ‘a_e’ sound. Examples: mainly, layer, escape IT Agreements Thank you so much for attending to this. We only have a few left outstanding. Uniform Has been good so far. Just a reminder that sport socks need to be plain white. Unfortunately, no sponsorships can be on show. Mathletics Students might notice some adjustments to Mathletics accounts this week as we try to tailor them to individuals. SAKG Is set to start this week. In recent years, we have had students organise and cater a foodie evening for parents. Hopefully getting started this week will help students move in the right direction for this to happe...