Monday Memos Week 5

How did we get to Week 5 so quickly? Not sure, but we are here. Here is some intel that needs to be shared…

Guess who is back?

Mrs Eckermann will make her return this week.


Both groups are working on List 3.

Group 1 is looking at ‘tri’ words. Examples: tricorn, trilogy and triangular

Group 2 are looking at ‘ee’, ‘ea’ and ‘e_e’ words. Examples: teacher, seaweed, compete

Classroom Chats and Reminders that Classtime is for Learning

Over the last two weeks we have spent a fair bit of time talking about year level work expectations, work ethic and the importance of listening. We look forward to the continuing development of a productive learning space.

Art and Identity

This Friday we hope to enjoy a virtual excursion at the National Portrait Gallery of Australia. If all goes to plan, this will take place on Friday and support the UOI inquiring into identity.

Here is the rest of the news from a whole school perspective…

Whole School Updates

Covid Safe

  • If your child contracts Covid 19 you MUST notify the school as soon as you can. If your child is a close contact please notify us too. 
  • It is Ok to notify us via email, but for positive cases we will need to ring parents to gather some specific detail we need to make a school notification report to SA Health.   
  • The key message though is to please let us know as soon as possible so we can pass the information on to other families.
  • Please do not send any child to school if they have any symptoms at all.  
    Refer to  for symptom checker and other info on isolation etc. 
  • Adults must wear a mask at all times when on site please and parents cannot enter classrooms.
  • It has been recommended by DfE and SA Health that students in Yr 3-6 also wear a mask when on site and these will need to be supplied by parents/families.
  • Where students/families contract the virus and are sick, there is absolutely no expectation to engage in any of the on-line learning engagements.
  • We have been informed that the current rules and requirements in schools will be essentially the same until the end of week 8. This has meant some redefining of camps/excursions etc and we’ll be putting in place plans for things like Learning Conferences etc very soon.


Student wellbeing

·         There could be a lot clouding your child’s mind at the moment and possibly leading to feelings of anxiety. Children may be feeling uneasy about the Covid cases in our community recently. The situation in Ukraine and the floods in Queensland could also be upsetting for some students depending on what they may have seen or heard in the media as well as conversations at home or school.

·         We’ll continue to watch out and support anxious students at school and we encourage parents to check in frequently with their children, understand how they are feeling and please make contact with their classroom teacher if you have any concerns about how they are travelling.

·         The Beyond Blue website some useful strategies to help families best support their children experiencing feelings of anxiety.


P&F and Carers Groups 2022

  • P&F Group have their AGM meeting tonight  Monday 28 February starting at 7pm  click here for the invite.  
  • Carers Group have their first meeting scheduled for Thursday 10 March starting at 9am.  click here for the invite.
  • Both meetings will be held outside of Warrinthi building under the freestanding verandah area.
  • We welcome new school parents and our current school parents / friends to come along if you have an interest in supporting our school in 2022. 


Lyndoch Road Crossing Monitors

·         Lyndoch Rd is a busy road for children to cross, so we use our the lolly pop volunteers to help. 

·         The year 5 and 6 students will be trained on Wednesday 2 March by the SA Traffic Police Dept.  The students are then teamed up with an adult volunteer on a morning / afternoon roster.  

·         We are seeking volunteers (parents, grandparents, local community people) to help with this, and we offer training to support you in this role.   Training for volunteers is Weds 2 March at 10am or Monday 21 March at 3.45pm 

·         Please let the office know if you can help with this important role. 


Parent Volunteers -  Valuing Safe Communities’ (VSC) training

  • Tuesday 15 March 2022 at 2.30pm or at 6.30pm in the Taikondi with Daryl Trigg. 
    (Please RSVP by emailing
  • We really appreciate parents and caregivers helping at Immanuel, however people who volunteer in a school need to have their VSC updated every 3 years.  

A Working with Children Check (WWCC) is also a requirement, and can be obtained by contacting Jenny in the office. There is no charge if you are volunteering in a school.

More info can be found at

  • Any person volunteering in a school also need to be double vaccinated.
  • If you will have an interest to attend an excursion, camp or help in the SAKGP (garden, kitchen), as an Immanuel Sports Team Coach or in a classroom this year, please ensure you have the above paperwork in place.  


Subway Lunches

·         Orders due into the office on a Wednesday by 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday.

·         Please write clearly on the order form the full student name and teacher name

·         Please place in a clear zip bag so we can see order form or insert money in an envelope and stick the order form on the front.   

·         Please have correct cash per student as this goes direct to Subway Gawler for counting.  

·         Order forms can be obtained in the office, or on our website click here




  • Bookings close 2pm each Friday and are printed for the week ahead.   Any bookings made after this need to be telephoned, texted or emailed to Katrina.  These bookings are charged at the casual rate
  • We have noticed some children arriving to school soon after 8am.  Please be reminded that students who arrive at school before 8.30am need to attend iGOSH, so please book accordingly. 


·         Hats are compulsory when playing outside during iGOSH this term.


·         We encourage all year 4, 5 & 6 children to sign in their school iPads each morning and afternoon on our iPad trolley. These are kept safe during the session. If children choose not to do this then it becomes their own responsibility if something was to happen to their iPad while left in their bag eg their bag falls from the hooks. Please have a chat with your child if you would like them to sign in their iPads or not.


Student Address Collection

Our school needs to complete an annual online survey through the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment Department. 

The Address Collection collects the following data from eligible schools, for each location at the school:

  • Student residential address (excluding student names)
  • Whether the student is a primary or secondary student (education level)
  • Whether the student is boarding or a day student (boarding status)
  • Names and residential addresses of students’ parent(s) and/or guardian(s)

Residential address information is used and combined with other data to calculate a non-government school community’s capacity to contribute to the costs of schooling. This may influence the level of Australian Government recurrent funding for non-government schools. The information is also used to inform Australian Government school education policy.

Please read further details in the attached letter.  


Gawler Train Electrification

The return of passenger services on the Gawler rail line is anticipated for April 2022, although a test train program will commence from Feb 25

Staff, students and families are reminded to always use dedicated pedestrian pathways and look both ways for trains before crossing the rail line, particularly as they may not be used to seeing trains in the corridor. Please follow all signage and directions from traffic controllers if present.

Please click here to


Cyber Safety

·         Considering the current situation involving Ukraine and Russian forces, it is predicted there will be a high increase of cyber-attacks from Russian cyber-criminals as the situation in Ukraine further develops. Please click here to read some steps our school is taking and what families also need to know.  


Uniform Shop

·         New Uniform Items:  please come see the office staff for purchases

·         Second Hand Uniform shop: is open on Tuesdays 3:10pm -3:40pm

·         Old Logo’d Uniform:  at the end of this term, we will stop selling “Old Logo’d style Uniform”  (eg sports tops, rugby jumpers, jumpers) in our Second Hand Uniform Stall.  We have had our new Logo Uniform for 5 years now so it’s time to refresh.  

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