Monday Memos Week 4 Term 1

With Week 3 finished (but really Week 1), we are still settling in and learning routines and expectations. Part of this settling in is learning to exist and learn in and around a bigger group of students. The good thing is, we are moving in the right direction. 


Group 1 - ‘bi’, ‘di’, ‘du’ as in two. Examples: duet, dilemma, bicentenary 

Group 2 - ‘ai’, ‘ay’, ‘a_e’ sound. Examples: mainly, layer, escape

IT Agreements

Thank you so much for attending to this. We only have a few left outstanding.


Has been good so far. Just a reminder that sport socks need to be plain white. Unfortunately, no sponsorships can be on show.


Students might notice some adjustments to Mathletics accounts this week as we try to tailor them to individuals.


Is set to start this week. In recent years, we have had students organise and cater a foodie evening for parents. Hopefully getting started this week will help students move in the right direction for this to happen again.

Whole School Updates

Covid Safe 

  • If your child contracts Covid 19 you MUST notify the school as soon as you can.
  • Please do not send any child to school if they have any symptoms at all.  
    Refer to  for symptom checker and other info.  
  • Adults must wear a mask at all times when on site please and parents cannot enter classrooms.
  • It has been recommended by DfE and SA Health that students in Yr 3-6 also wear a mask when on site and these will need to be supplied by parents/families.


Absentees / Running Late / Picking up Early 

  • If your child is absent, please telephone the school absent line 85225740 (Option 2) by 9.30amor email your teacher.  If your child is sick please give us a brief description / reason of the illness (eg tummy, headache) 
  • If you arrive late (after 8.50am), please remember your child needs to be signed in at the office 
  • If you need to pick up early please report to the school office first and the student will be called to the office whilst you sign your child out 
  • Remember the school day starts at 8.50am and concludes 3.25pm



  • If you missed the SEESAW post which showed the new Daly Street Carpark entering and exiting instructions please click on this link to watch.

​mov icon How to use the new car


P&F and Carers Groups 2022

  • We are very thankful for these 2 groups of parent volunteers who support our school community and help with various events for students and families outside the classroom.  
  • P&F Group have their AGM meeting scheduled for Monday 28 February starting at 7pm  click here for the invite.  
  • Carers Group have their first meeting scheduled for Thursday 10 March starting at 9am.  click here for the invite.
  • Both meetings will be held outside of Warrinthi building under the freestanding verandah area.  We welcome new school parents and our current school parents / friends to come along if you have an interest in supporting our school in 2022.  


Subway Lunches 

·         Orders due into the office on a Wednesday by 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday. 

·         Please write clearly on the order form the full student name and teacher name

·         Please place in a clear zip bag so we can see order form or insert money in an envelope and stick the order form on the front.   

·         Please have correct cash per student as this goes direct to Subway Gawler for counting.   

·         Order forms can be obtained in the office, or on our website click here


Lyndoch Road Crossing Monitors 

·         Lyndoch Rd is a busy road for children to cross, so we use our the lolly pop volunteers to help.  

·         The year 5 and 6 students will be trained on Wednesday 2 March by the SA Traffic Police Dept.  The students are then teamed up with an adult volunteer on a morning / afternoon roster.  

·         We are seeking volunteers (parents, grandparents, local community people) to help with this, and we offer training to support you in this role.   

·         Please let the office know if you can help with this important role.  




·         Bookings close 2pm each Friday and are printed for the week ahead.   Any bookings made after this need to be telephoned, texted or emailed to Katrina.  These bookings are charged at the casual rate.


·         Hats are compulsory when playing outside during iGOSH this term. Children need to have a school hat in their bag that they bring to iGOSH.  Parents can purchase a spare school hat which stays in the iGOSH hat drawers. Please speak to iGOSH staff if you would like your child to get a spare hat and we will charge the $10 to your iGOSH account.


We would like the children to spread out when hanging their bags each morning and afternoon

·         Kindy and Foundation bags on the bench under the verandah

·         Year 1 and 2 bags on the first blue trolley

·         Year 3 bags on the second blue trolley

·         Year 4,5,6 bags on the hooks around near the lawn area


School Uniform Shop Purchases

·         During term 1 please see the office staff for sales assistance and we can arrange an appt time to help you accordingly. 

·         You can order and pay over the phone and we can send items home via the students.


Second Hand Uniform Shop Stall

·         Courtney (our parent volunteer) will open the second hand stall on a Tuesday afternoon between 3.10-3.40pm



·         All students need to have a hat for outside activities, recess and lunch times.   You can purchase a new hat via the office for $10.  

·         Please ensure your child’s name is clearly marked on the hat, and also on all other belongings (eg water bottles, lunch boxes, bags and jumpers)


Immanuel Insights Newsletter – Getting to know ILSG quiz

·         WINNER – Savannah  1T

Savannah wins a Subway voucher and drink bottle and a freddo frog!

·         Thank you to all the students who entered! From Mrs Wandel (office)

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