Tuesday Memos Week 7

Big week this week as footy begins. Also, we have Learning Conferences on over the next two weeks. If you haven’t booked in, please do. If you need more information, please refer to the whole school updates below.


Group 1 are looking at List 5 - words about 7, 8, 9. Examples: September, heptathlon, octagonal, nonagon

Group 2 are looking at the ‘ou’ sound. Examples: round, mound, bound, ground

UOI - Who We Are

We are looking at goal setting this week to finish of our first Unit of Inquiry for the year. As the week progresses, you may wish to ask your child what goal they could set for themselves or what goal they have set.

Whole School Updates


Student Learning Conferences

  • These are an opportunity for parents (and students) to talk to the classroom teachers about child’s learning.  
  • Dates are:  Thursday 17 March 3.45-7.30pm,  Monday 21 March 3.45-6.00pm & Wednesday 23 March 3.45-7.30pm
  • All Conferences will be held via ZOOM or TEAMS.  Students in years 2-6 are encouraged to attend also.  
    Teachers will email you the ZOOM LINK prior to the Conference day.  
  • To book a time go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the code vjpz6
  • To read the letter sent home last Thursday click here.  This has some extra information.  


New Communication System called Operoo – message from Daryl T

  • We are excited to advise you that we are adopting a new system named Operoo.   Some people may have already used this system, previously known as CareMonkey.
  • The Operoo system makes it very easy for you to respond to an excursion, camp and other consent forms using your mobile phone, tablet or PC.   
  • No more paperwork!   No more lost forms or notes covered in a squashed banana in bags, no more concerns about children missing out on information when they are absent.
  • It will greatly reduce the burden on you to provide information that is repetitive.  For example, it will allow you to keep your or your child’s emergency contact and medical information up to date; so you don’t need to repeat this information again whilst your child is at Immanuel.  It also puts you in control of this data so you’ll always know what emergency contacts and medical information is shared with our staff.   We do need a valid email address from you in order to use the Operoo system. Please share those details with us if you haven’t already.
  • You don’t need to do anything else until you receive an email invitation from us asking you to sign up for your Operoo account. After that, you’ll receive notifications whenever there is an electronic form to complete for your child.
  • From the school’s perspective, you or your child’s information will only be visible by the relevant staff for you or your child and will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy.
  • Details about Operoo’s security and privacy procedures can be found here: https://www.operoo.com/terms-policies-security/
  • You can visit the Operoo website for more information here: https://www.operoo.com/     
    There is also a parent introduction page here: https://www.operoo.com/intro-for-parents/.  
  • Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.  


School Footy Tipping Competition

  • The 2022 footy season begins this Wednesday night and this year we are offering anyone in our school community to join in a tipping competition. Ideally people will use their real names and this is open to students and parents/caregivers and hopefully will be a bit of fun during the season. 
  • URL: https://tipping.afl.com.au/tipping/index.html#/comp/15989/about?code=HX2DN3WW   
    Comp Code: HX2DN3WW


Lyndoch Road Crossing Monitors 

·         Lyndoch Rd is a busy road for children to cross, so we use our the lolly pop volunteers to help.

·         Yr 5 and 6 have now been trained and placed on a Roster.   

·         We are seeking a volunteers (parents, grandparents, local community people) to help on a Tuesday afternoon or be a back up volunteer for other day.  Training for volunteers is on Monday 21 March at 3.45pm  

Please let the office know if you can help with this important role.  



  • Bookings close 2pm each Friday and are printed for the week ahead.   Any bookings made after this time need to be telephoned, texted or emailed to Katrina.  These bookings are charged at the casual rate
  • We have noticed some children arriving to school soon after 8am.  Please be reminded that students who arrive at school before 8.30am need to attend iGOSH, so please book accordingly


  • Hats are compulsory when playing outside during iGOSH this term.

Vacation Care

  • The April Vacation Care Program will be out tomorrow Wednesday 16 March and bookings will open at 5pm online at www.carebookings.com.au   Bookings will close Monday 4 April at 10am
  • Confirmation and Consent forms will go home Tuesday 5 April.  
  • Accounts need to be below $500 and last Vac Care paid to be eligible to attend. 
  • We have a few excursions planned, however we are running with a “scaled down” program as we just aren’t sure about restrictions and changes that may happen before the holiday period.


  • We hope you are enjoying reading your child’s observations on Seesaw.  Our planning cycle has begun and we love sharing what and how your child is involved in the activities we plan at iGOSH. 


Scholastic Book Orders 

·         Issue 2 catalogues went home last Friday to all students.  

·         Orders due back Monday 21 March (order and pay online or return the form and cash to the office)


Swimming Lessons – Year 2, 3, 4 students 

  • These are happening this week.  Remember to pack the towel and dry clothes.  
  • We understand that some families are in Isolation or staying home for various reasons.  We will adjust swimming charges accordingly following the event.  


 Andrea White - Peaceful Kids / Peaceful Parents Programs 2022

  • We are seeking registration of interest for Andrea’s Peaceful Kids program to be held for Immanuel Students in Term 2.  If you have an interest please email jennyj@ilsg.sa.edu.au for more information.


Carers Group

  • The Carers Group help support our families with cards and meals (in good times and bad).  
  • If you have an interest in being a Class Carer in 2022 please let the front office know.   
  • Our coordinators Beth and Leanne will hold a meeting soon to welcome you and show you the routines. 


Photo Shoot

  • On Wednesday 30 March Pete the photographer will be onsite to take some photos of our school facilities and students.  We will then use these images to update our advertising on our website and in our prospectus.  We will follow our data base of student photo consent (we have a few listed who cannot).  However if you do not consent for this occasion, please email jennyj@ilsg.sa.edu.au


Circle Time

  • Theme for this week is “Being Responsible”


Covid Reminders 

  • If your child contracts Covid 19 you MUST notify the school as soon as you can. If your child is a close contact please notify us too.  
  • It is Ok to notify us via email, but for positive cases we will need to ring parents to gather some specific detail we need to make a school notification report to SA Health.   
  • The key message though is to please let us know as soon as possible so we can pass the information on to other families. 
  • Refer to https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/  for symptom checker and other info on isolation etc. 
  • There are new rules for the length of isolation time for positive cases.  You must isolate for 7 days after you had your positive COVID-19 PCR test taken or tested positive using a rapid antigen test. You can only leave isolation after 7 days if you do not have acute symptoms, including a sore throat, runny nose, cough, or shortness of breath.   Please click here to read the updates.   
  • If a person has had Covid, SA Health are now saying that anyone who has been positive are considered unable to be reinfected (and therefore don’t need to isolate/quarantine etc) for 8 weeks. (It use to be four weeks.)
  • Families are reminded to log all cases with SA Health as they will issue you with a document that says it is OK to re-enter school etc.
  • School based extracurricular activities, if they are outside, are now deemed acceptable. Inside ones too where social distancing and measures can be put in place to minimise transmission.
  • QR code check ins are no longer necessary here at school. 


Learning at Home

  • We currently have a number of families who are isolating and students who are unable to attend school.  If your child is in this position ongoing Learning engagements are regularly being posted on See Saw and these are engagements that students on site are doing as well.
  • Additionally,  please see the announcements page on your class Seesaw account for instructions about accessing new home learning engagements, which include daily literacy and numeracy video lessons, from the Department for Education. We believe these lessons from the DfE are of very high quality and we commend them to you. 
  • Please note that if you have a child at home there is no obligation for them to attend to these learning engagements  - they are simply there to support students during these times.
  • Please contact the school if we can support you in any way while students are off site. We have a number of staff who are currently ‘off site’ as well and so it could be that a teacher other than your child’s normal teacher is the one offering that support. 


Phones and Smart Watches

  • We understand that children will sometimes need phones to contact family outside of school hours. As per our ICT policy, if your child has a mobile phone that you would like them to bring to school, we ask that students hand up their phone to their teacher in the morning and collect it at the end of the day. 
  • We have also noticed the popularity of smart watches being worn to school. While these can be a useful device for communication, there are some potential issues. Most notably, during the school day the point of communication with parents is via the front office as this supports good order and alleviates potential issues that can (and have!!) arisen from this. It is important that students speak with staff rather than being directly contacted by parents via their devices (and vice versa.)
  • We understand there are options to select ‘school mode’ to inhibit students receiving and sending messages, however we have observed they still prove to be a distraction in the classroom and it is our policy that all contact with students during the day is done via our front office. 
  • To minimise these distractions and ensure a safe environment we ask that students hand smart watches to teachers at the beginning of the day and are collected at the end of the day. 


Uniform Shop 

·         New Uniform Items:  please come see the office staff for purchases.  Please start thinking about what winter items you may need.  

·         Second Hand Uniform shop: is open on Tuesdays 3:10pm -3:40pm

·         Old Logo’d Uniform:  at the end of this term, we will stop selling “Old Logo’d style Uniform”  (eg sports tops, rugby jumpers, jumpers) in our Second Hand Uniform Stall.  We have had our new Logo Uniform for 5 years now so it’s time to refresh.   


Gawler Lutheran Church - Office Administration 

·         Position Vacant – 22 hours / week 

·         Click here to see further details 


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