Monday Memos Week 8 Term 2

Well here we are again, kicking off another week. One to go after this and then a well earned break.

Street Food Night  - Thursday, June 30th

This is a celebration of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program as well as the learning of languages in our school. 

Each student will be able to invite 2 guests. (This number is due to catering and size of the area available.) The evening will begin at 6pm in the Warrinthi courtyard.

On arrival, guests will be given three meal tickets (one entrée, one main, one dessert) to be used to collect food from the different street eat stalls.There will also be drinks available on the night to be purchased.

The evening break down… 

6:00 arrival

6:15 welcome

6:30 Entrées served

7:00 Mains served

7:30 Desserts served

8:00 Evening comes to a close  

Spelling - List 17
Group A: the ‘ai’ sound. (Cabaret, fete, convey)
Group B: using the suffix ‘less’. (Helpless, useless, flawless)

Whole School Updates


Immanuel Mini-Recess Time Concerts

This week in Taikondi / Music room @ 11am

Parents are welcome to come and watch their child perform. 

  • Monday 20/6 : Dallas (Voice), Michael (Drums)
  • Tuesday 21/6: David (Guitar/ Uke)
  • Thursday 23/6: Karen (Piano)
  • Friday 24/6 : Roger (Violin), David (Guitar/ Uke), Dwayne (Trumpet)     


P&F Meeting

  • Tonight Monday 20 June 7pm in Admin Building (kitchen area).
  • All welcome 


Class Carers Meeting

  • Friday 24 June at 9am in Admin Building (kitchen area).
  • The Carers Group care for the Immanuel School Community through acts of kindness, prayer and support.   They acknowledge occasions such as births, sickness or difficult times being experienced by our families along with arranging stalls for Mothers & Father’s Day and help on social events. 
  • We would like to have 2 allocated Class Carers per class so if you have an interest with this type of group please come along this Friday morning for a cuppa and a chat. 
  • We welcome Mums, Dads, Grandparents to join us.


Absentees / Running Late / Picking up Early

  • If your child is absent, please telephone the school absent line 85225740 (Option 2) by 9.30am or email your teacher or an office staff member with some details about their absence.  
  • If you arrive late (after 8.50am), please remember your child needs to be signed in at the office
  • If you need to pick up early please report to the school office first and the student will be called to the office whilst you sign your child out



July Vac Care (3 weeks Monday 4 July to Fri 22 July)

  • Online bookings CLOSE this Thursday (23 June) at 5pm. Some days are nearly full, so please get your bookings in before they close. Any bookings made after Thursday are casual bookings, which are $10 extra from permanent bookings.  The holiday program is attachedhere.  
  • Account reminders have been emailed today. Your prompt payment is appreciated.
  • Consent and Confirmation letters come home this Friday 24/6. They also have a section on them for overdue accounts that will need to be finalised before bookings can be confirmed. Please return just the consent form by the end of the term.

Term 2 Bookings

  • If you need before or after school care during term 2 please book in via Reminder that bookings close 2pm each Friday for the week ahead. Any bookings after this need to be emailed, texted or phoned to Katrina. Bookings before 2pm Friday are permanent bookings and after that are casual bookings, charged at the casual rate.

Covid Reminders

  • Masks are now optional when dropping off and collecting your children. Please still wait outside for your children and avoid entering our rooms



  • With the cold mornings please ensure your child/ren have their jumper / rugby tops with them.  Please ensure they are clearly named.
  • Trackpants have now arrived so all sizes are back in stock.  Our uniform policy states that students must wear the official uniform items which are to be purchased via school.  So please contact the office staff to purchase new trackpants or any other items.  

The school jackets are still out of stock but should arrive early in term 3. 


Cabaret Night

  • The night went really well, there was community spirit buzzing around the room and it looked like everyone really enjoyed themselves.
  • All our performers were sensational  – thanks everyone for your great work. 


Interested in joining a ukulele group?

  • ILSG gives students the opportunity to learn a musical instrument and play it with others. Would you like to find out for yourself how much fun that can be?  Some members of Gawler Lutheran Church get together on Monday evenings from 6.30 to 8pm at Zion Church Gawler to learn some chords, sing along together and have some fun. The ukulele is  a great instrument to start on as it only takes a few minutes to learn a few chords and start playing along, and learning with a group takes away the pressure of having to "perform". We laugh a lot, and there's a lot of encouragement.
  • Lessons are free!   
  • If you would like to know more contact John Kowald (0403 371 766 or speak to Mrs Altus (Year 4 Teacher).


Reconciliation week – Colouring Competition Winners

  • Thank you to the students who entered the Colouring in Competition,  all of the entries were fantastic.  The following students have won a Subway drink bottle and Voucher

Foundation – Noah B

Year 1 – Rachel W

Year 2 – Johanna S

Year 3 – Olivia G

Year 4 – Isabel B

Year 5 – (no entries)

Year 6 – Lily B


Secondary School

·         We would like to remind families that closing dates for Secondary School applications are fast approaching.

·         If you haven’t made contact it’s our recommendation that you do it ASAP, especially if you have a child in Year 5 (or year 4).   Leaving it to the last minute or missing the closing date can lead to disappointment and frustration as places fill.


Covid Update

Covid regulations and requirements in schools for the start of this term are very similar to the end of last term.   

Families are requested to:

  • Not enter classrooms
  • Inform us should your child/children test positive
  • Inform us should your child/children be a close contact and RAT test as per SA Health guidelines
  • Not come on site if symptomatic
  • Masks are strongly recommended (but not required) for all adults (including visitors) while indoors, except when teaching or interacting with children and strongly recommended (but not required) for students in years 3 to 12 while indoors.

Please refer to


What’s on in Term 2

  • Thursday 30 June – Yr 6 Street Food Evening - in Warrinthi - Students will showcase their country of choice through food and cultural presentations (celebrating their Kitchen/ Garden program). 
  • Wednesday 29 June and Thursday 30 June – Zion Preschool Star Nights at 5.30pm at Immanuel Taikondi
  • Fri 1 July – end of term 2 (3 week holiday break / IGOSH available). 

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