Monday Memos Week 10 Term 3


Homework -Due to Sports Day on Friday, there is  no spelling homework this week
Students may like to work on their inquiry for Exhibition in place of time spent for spelling words. 
1000 Mathletics points and reading 20 minutes for interest are also expected.

Camp - Port Vincent Aquatics

We are looking forward to camp Day 1- Monday- Wednesday,  Week 1 of Term 4.  There are a few forms that will be sent home this week.  They are an Aquatics consent form and a what to bring list.  

Excursion - The Sound of Music

Students will be attending The Sound Of Music at the Shedley Theatre this Wednesday 9am- 11am. We require one volunteer to join us. If you have a current WWCC and VSC we would appreciate your help.  

Sausage sizzle orders-  Students orders are limited to  one sausage in bread each for $2, through the class message box, by Wednesday,  if they would like a sausage at Sports Day.

Whole School Updates

  • This is the last week of Term 3.  We wish all our students and families a safe and happy school holiday time together.  Term 4 returns on Monday 17 October
  • A reminder that daylight savings starts this weekend on Sun 2/10 – don’t forget to put your clocks forward, and enjoy the long weekend.  
  • This week on Weds the year 1, 2, 4 & 6’s are going to see Sound of Music at the Shedley Theatre, and the Foundations are going to the Road and Safety Cycle Centre at Ridgehaven.  


2023 Class Placements

  • If you are not returning to Immanuel in 2023 (other than moving into a secondary school) please be reminded that a terms notice is required.  Please put this in writing to
  • At this time each year we ask for any input from families around class placement for 2023.  Generally this input will be around learning needs and information that will help us place students in class groups for maximum success. We ask that families refrain from ‘requesting teachers’ especially as teaching staff can change (due to either leaving our school or changing grades).     
  • Again this year we ask parents to provide their input via logging onto and enter the code 2vbys or click here.   Please be aware that this information is shared with class teachers as we work through the process.  Please provide any information by Tuesday Friday 28 October (End Term 4 Week 2)


Sports Day Reminders

Friday 30 September (last day of term 3)

Venue:  Gawler Sports and Community Centre 

Time:  9am to 1.30pm (early dismissal)  

  • Parents are to drop off their child/ren directly to the above venue between 8.30am and 9am.   Staff members will be at the Gawler Sport and Community Centre from 8.30am monitoring students being dropped off.   Students being dropped off to school (as noted via the survey) will be transported to the venue by the school bus.  
  • Sports day concludes at 1.15pm.  Students going home with their parent / caregiver need to be collected from their class teacher.    Those students not going home (as per the survey) will be transported back to school via the school bus and take part in an afternoon school session.  iGOSH and the normal school bus run (am/pm) will be available for those needing it.   
  • Parents are welcome to stay and attend the sports day.  Bring your chair, wear your colours.  There is an adult race so wear appropriate running shoes.  
  • Sausage Sizzle, Muffin stall and Coffee van is available for parents.
  • If students want a sausage sizzle we require them to preorder via returning $2/sausage to their class teacher by Weds 28 Sept.  They will be served this during their year level recess break time. 
  • There is no Subway Lunch order available this week  

IGOSH Friday 30 Sept

  • If you have a permanent Friday morning / afternoon iGOSH booking but do not require it due to sports day, please remember to cancel your booking.  



  • We are now using Operoo for all upcoming information and consent regarding excursions & camps.  

Plus we are sending news articles & reminders via Operoo also.

  • Please ensure you regularly login to your account to check and respond promptly.   We do not want students to miss out on excursions if no consent is given via Operoo.
  • We are still awaiting a few responses to Sports Day (30/9) and to the Sound of Music excursion (Weds 28/9 – Yr 1,2,4,&6)
  • For quick and easy access please download the ‘Operoo App’ onto your smartphone 


Cricket Match - Immanuel School versus Gawler Lutheran Church 

  • Looking for a few more parents (or senior students) to join the school team 
  • Sunday 23 October at Immanuel School Oval - match starts at 1.00pm
  • BBQ Lunch from 12 noon
  • Families and Friends invited to attend too 
  • Please register your interest via Operoo News Article or go directly to this link


Strategic Planning - Parent and Caregiver Input Meeting

  • All Parents and Caregivers are invited and encouraged to attend a forum with Gary Clark who is facilitating our Strategic Planning process here at Immanuel.
  • Tuesday 25 Oct 6.30pm – 8pm  (will include a light meal and drinks) 
  • The session will give opportunity to feed in to planning and development for the future in all areas and aspects of our school. All the information and thoughts/opinions of our parents and caregivers will be invaluable and appreciated.
  • Please RSVP your attendance via the News Article on Operoo or directly via this link


Slime Spectacular Run 4 Fun Day 2022

  • The Slime Spectacular held last Friday culminates the Plant-A-Difference Fundraiser.  

Thank you to all those who have been able to fundraise.  It’s not too late to start – it will close 1/10/22.  
Vi to create your child’s cybersafe fundraising profile.  Monies raised will go towards improving our school grounds & nature play areas.


Summer Uniform is to be worn from Term 4.  

  • This refers to the formal uniform for students in Yr 3-6;  Summer Dress or Navy Skorts & Blouse for girls and Grey Shorts Short Sleeve Shirt for boys.    
  • Some students have been wearing non-uniform sports items to school.  Please purchase all sports shorts and trackpants via the uniform shop. 
  • HATS are required to be worn in Term 4 (no hat, no play).  Please ensure all hats are clearly named.   
  • If you need to purchase any new items, please see the office staff.  If you need to make any purchases over the school holidays please email to arrange a time.      
  • We are seeking a new parent volunteer to help open the Second Hand Uniform shop from Term 4 / and into 2023.  Please let the school office know if you are able to help with this. 



October Vac Care

  • Bookings have closed. All extra bookings, changes and cancellation please email / ring Katrina. 
  • Confirmation and Consent forms come home today. Account reminders are included in the letter, payments need to be made by Thursday to confirm bookings. Please sign the consent form and return to school by Friday.
  • Hats are compulsory these holidays. We have hat drawers with lots of hats, so if you would like to check if your child has one here already, please come over to iGOSH and have a look. If children arrive with no hats, school hats will need to be purchased at $10 charged to your iGOSH account.
  • Sunscreen is also required these holidays. So please help out by applying your child’s first coat at home or when they arrive at iGOSH. 

Term 4

  • Online bookings are now open

iGOSH Christmas Closure Dates

  • Friday 23 December 2022 to Friday 6 January 2023

Feedback Questions

  • Please answer our weekly feedback questions, which are on the front desk at iGOSH.
  • These are our last questions for the term
  • All is required is a tick in the box for your answer to the 2 questions.


Circle Time

This fortnight’s theme is Cooperation”


Immanuel Insights LOTE Quiz winner

  • Congratulations to Charlotte L in Year 3 R/T
  • Charlotte wins a Subway voucher and drink bottle


What’s on in Term 4

Term 4 returns – Monday 17 October

Year 6 Camp – Week 1 Mon 17 to Weds 19 Oct

Year 2 Camp – Week 2 Thur 27 to Fri 28 Oct

Year 4 Camp – Week 4 Mon 7 to Weds 9 Nov

Movie Night – Fri 21 Oct (P&F event)

Year 6 Exhibition – Weds 9 Nov

End of Term 4 – Last day of school is Weds 13 Dec

Year 6 Graduation evening – Thurs 14 Dec 5.30pm (for Yr 6 students and their parents)

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