Monday Memos Week 8 Term 3

Third last week of the term and still plenty to do. We continue to power on and keep fighting the good fight. Here is a bit of info to keep you in the know…

Spelling - List 26

Group 1: schwa ‘ure’ (lecture, puncture)

Group 2: ‘ie’ for long ‘ee’ (field, audience)

Mobile Phone Policy 

Please see previous email and if you need a hard copy of the form and policy please email us.

Uniform Checks

There has been an increase in students not wearing the appropriate uniform as the year has progressed and it needs addressing. Other than a few students not wearing the correct uniforms on the correct days, the main culprits are hair ties, earrings, socks, appropriate shoes and wearing bracelets/anklets.

Please help your child maintain the correct uniform and if there is a plausible reason for not being in uniform, a note signed by the parent is needed. Unfortunately, if uniform breaches continue there will need to be consequences.

If you need a reminder of the uniform policy you can revisit it here:

Whole School Updates


Thursday 22 September – Public Holiday 

  • As per the weekend news Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced September 22 will be a public holiday to coincide with a memorial service for the Queen.


Mobile Phones

  • Our new Mobile Phone Policy starts today 12/9 
  • Please take the time to read the policy and return the form accordingly 
  • Please note point 2a.  Students who have a form indicating parental permission and bring a mobile device to school must as a matter of priority when entering the school grounds place the device in the appropriate container in the front office.  


Scholastic Book Fair 

  • This week at Immanuel Mon 12 to Fri 16 Sept in Tanta Marta (Yr 2/3 area at back of Taikondi) 
  • Lots of books and stationery for sale starting from $1 to $30 
  • All students will get an opportunity to browse, shop and purchase items when they go with their class teacher 
  • Parents can come onsite during the following days / times and browse / purchase too
  • Monday 12 Sept               3.30pm to 4.30pm
  • Tuesday 13 Sept              8.00am to 9.00am & 3.30pm to 4.30pm
  • Wednesday 14 Sept         8.00am to 9.00am & 3.30pm to 4.30pm
  • Thursday 15 Sept             8.00am to 9.00am & 3.30pm to 4.30pm
  • Friday 16 Sept                  8.00am to 9.00am



October Vac Care

  • Program is out and bookings are open online.
  • Bookings close Friday 23 September 5pm
  • Some days are capped

iGOSH Christmas Closure Dates

  • Friday 23 December 2022 to Friday 6 January 2023

Feedback Questions

  • Please answer our weekly feedback questions, which are on the front desk at iGOSH.
  • It would be very much appreciated if you could answer these each week. 
  • All is required is a tick in the box for your answer to the 2 questions.


Circle Time

This fortnight’s theme is Care, Kindness and Compassion”



  • Monday 19 September with Foundation students 


Slime Spectacular Run 4 Fun Day 2022

  • Friday 23 September
  • This is a normal school day and then after lunch at 2.15-3.15pm the Fun Run will be held on the oval. 
  • Students will need to wear (or bring) a white t-shirt to school for the event.  They may also need to bring another t-shirt or towel to go home in or to attend igosh, as their t-shirt may be quite messy.   (Bring a plastic bag too.)
  • Students will run the oval in their year level and earn points towards School Sports Day.   Our P&F & staff volunteers will direct the slime explosion onto students t-shirts 
  • The Slime Spectacular culminates the Plant-A-Difference Fundraiser. to create your child’s cybersafe fundraising profile and get fundraising. You have until 1 October 2022 to fundraise and monies raised will go towards improving our school grounds / nature play areas at Immanuel School.
  • This year we have chosen to reduce our impact on the environment and Go Green! For every $20 we raise, Carbon Neutral and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation will plant one native tree/shrub in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor. 


Sports Day – Friday 30 September

  • Sports day will be held at the Gawler Sports and Community Centre (Nixon Street) 
  • More Information and consent forms will be sent to parents via Operoo soon.  Please respond promptly. 
  • The Sports Day will start at 9am.  Parents are welcome to attend.  It will conclude at 1.30pm so we encourage families to take their students home then.  Alternatively a modified program will be held back at school in the afternoon (and iGOSH will be open).  


Immanuel Insights Book Week Quiz 

  • Winner is Jordan S (Year 5)
  • He wins a Subway voucher and drink bottle


After School Sport

  • If your child/ren is interested in participating in a STARplex After-School Sport Program (basketball, netball or futsal) with Immanuel next term please fill out an Expression of Interest Operoo form at the following link –


Covid Update

Covid regulations and requirements in schools for the start of this term have been updated slightly.  

Families are requested to:

  • Not enter classrooms
  • Inform us should your child/children test positive
  • Inform us should your child/children be a close contact and RAT test as per SA Health guidelines
  • Not come on site if symptomatic

Testing requirements for classroom outbreaks have changed.  Should a classroom outbreak occur (that is five or more cases in a single class/room in a seven-day period), asymptomatic staff and students should use a rapid antigen test (RAT), and symptomatic staff and students should undertake PCR testing.

Face Masks

  • Face masks in education and care settings are strongly recommended (but not required).
  • Anyone who is a close contact and is aged 12 years and older will need to wear a face mask when they leave the house for seven days following exposure in line with the SA Health close contact guidelines.

Please refer to


What’s on in Term 3  

Hot Shots Tennis – Thurs 15 Sept for selected Year 4 students 

Year 5 Camp – Mon to Weds 19-21 September 

Sound of Music at the Shedley – for years 1, 2, 4 & 6’s  

Sports Day – Friday 30 September

End of Term 3 – Friday 30 September 1.15pm dismissal

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