Monday memos Week 3 Term 4

It’s Week 3 and things are heating up with the anticipation of Exhibition in Week 4. 


Wednesday November 9

Warrinthi Basement

6.15 - 8pm

A sausage sizzle will be provided for Parents and Caregivers and drinks will be available.

All students are required to attend the Exhibition Evening. Please email us with any extenuating circumstances. 

Students do not have spelling homework this week as we hope that they will be spending time each night planning and preparing for their exhibit.

1000 Mathletics points for the week will still be encouraged.

 Whole School Updates


Tanta Marta & Warrinthi Buildings – Official Opening

Friday 18 November 2pm to 8pm

An Invitation to all school families to Celebrate

  • 2.15pm to 3.25pm:  Official Opening with Worship and Praise in Taikondi  (all invited)
  • 4.00pm to 6.00pm:  Families invited to join us for games and activities plus tours of the new facilities
  • 6.00pm to 8.00pm:  Dinner (food stalls – Pizza, Sausage Sizzle, Donuts, Pop Corn), Entertainment, Games and Tours  

Please RSVP by Tues 15/11/22 via the Operoo e-form to assist with our catering 

(Pizzas are 12” so 1 will probably be sufficient to feed 2 kids) 

We hope you can join us!   


Valuing Safe Communities’ (VSC) training for Parent Volunteers 

  • Wednesday 2 November 2022 at 2.30pm or at 6.30pm in the school admin building with Daryl
    Please RSVP via

This check needs to be updated every 3 years.  If you have done a face to face session in the past you can redo online.  Please contact Jenny for the link.   

We really appreciate parents and caregivers helping at Immanuel, however people who volunteer in a school need to have completed the following:

1.    VSC training (updated 3 years) 

2.    Working with Children Check (WWCC) (updated 5 years) 

3.    Provide proof of Covid vaccinations


Gawler Village Fair 

  • This Saturday 5 November 9am to 2pm at Gawler Pioneer Park
  • Come support this local community event and say hello to us at our School’s Stall
  • If you have any surplus fruit and veg produce we will be happy to take it from you and sell it from our stall.   
  • Thanks to students who entered the Youth Art Competition organised by the Rotary Club of Gawler.  Tomorrow is the last day to drop entries into the school office for collection.  Alternatively you can drop them directly at the Village Fair at 9am Sat morning.    


Splash of Purple Fundraiser Day

  • Fri 4 Nov
  • Students can wear a splash of Purple and bring a gold coin donation (eg ribbons, socks, hat, bracelet) 
  • Money going to Lutheran Care to help homeless people
  • Plus Jelly Bean Jar Guess – 50 cents a guess 


Assemblies / Worship & Praise

  • Worship & Praise this Friday 4 November is at 9.30am in Taikondi will be led by Mr Blasche Foundation class.   
  • Assembly will be held Monday 7 November with the Year 3’s   
  • Parents / caregivers are welcome to attend these events, however for the time being we ask that you wear a mask when the event is held indoors


Volunteers for 2023 

Second Hand Uniform Stall 

  • We are seeking another parent volunteer to help open the Second Hand Uniform shop from Term 4 / and into 2023.  Please let the school office know if you are able to help with this. 

Lyndoch Road Traffic Monitors (Adults) 

  • This is an important role, assisting our students cross the busy Lyndoch Road.  Please start thinking if you can help with this in 2023, and if so please let Daryl or Jenny know.  



Term 4

·       Bookings are open online.

·       Reminder that bookings are printed 2pm Fridays for the week ahead. If booking are made by this cut off time they are charged at the permanent rate. All bookings wanted after this cut off time, need to be emailed / texted to Katrina and will be charged at the casual rate.

Question of the week

·       Thanks to parents who are answering our questions of the week that are on our front desk. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as we reflect on our current practices and look for better ways to do things

Big Vac Care

·       The Dec/January Holiday Program will be out Monday Week 5. Our Vac Care is Thursday 15th – Thursday 22nd December and Monday 9th January to Friday 27 January 2023

Operoo at iGOSH

  • Thanks for filling in the Operoo forms regarding updates for collection authority at iGOSH. 
  • iGOSH will begin using Operoo for their Big Vac Care consent forms. More information to follow next week.


What’s on in Term 4

VSC Training – Week 3 Weds 2 Nov at 2.30pm or 6.30pm with Daryl 

Year 1 Sleepover & Fun Day – Week 3 Thurs 3 & Fri 4 Nov

Gawler Village Fair – Sat 5 Nov

Year 4 Camp – Week 4 Mon 7 to Weds 9 Nov

Year 6 Exhibition – Weds 9 Nov

Open Morning – Thurs 10 Nov at 9.30am 

Remembrance Day – Fri 11 Nov

Open Afternoon – Sun 13 Nov at 3.00pm 

Open Morning – Tues 15 Nov at 9.30am 

Tanta Marta Opening – Fri 18 Nov

Faith Challenge – Fri 25 Nov

Foundation Big Day Out – Fri  25 Nov

Christmas is Coming Evening Fun Event – Fri 2 Dec  - Add this to your calendar

End of Term 4 – Last day of school is Weds 14 Dec

Year 6 Graduation evening – Thurs 15 Dec 5.30pm (for Yr 6 students and their parents)




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