Monday Memos Week 6 Term 4

 Welcome to another week and a step closer to your child graduating primary school. The clean up from Exhibition is almost complete. Again we must thank you for all your help in the process.

Another big THANK YOU  to the students and families that came along to help on the pizza and popcorn stall on Friday evening. We really valued your support and it was fun to serve the community in this way.

Spelling - List 30

Group 1: suffix ‘able’ (enjoyable, valuable, reliable)

Group 2: Homophones (reed, read)

Maths and Algebra

Today in maths we learnt a nice little memory piece to help us solve unknown values in algebra.

What are we going to do? 

Perform the opposite operation, with the same value on both sides.

It works when you apply it correctly. Thank you Mr Mahonaran for giving us a wealth of mathematical background.

Graduation Evening

Keep Thursday 15th of December free for the Graduation Evening. It will be a night to celebrate the students and also come together as a community. For some of you, this will be the last time at Immanuel. Stay tuned for more details to come.

Whole School Updates

  • Thank you to all the families who were able to attend our official opening service for Tanta Marta and Warrinthi along with family fun evening last Friday.  Pizzas & Donuts were very popular.   It was a successful event, we appreciate everyone for supporting it.   
  • This Friday 25/11 the Foundation students will head off on their Big Day Out Excursion to Gorge Wildlife Park.  
  • This Friday 25/11 33 Immanuel students will participate in the annual Faith Sports Day Challenge against other Lutheran Schools.  Good Luck to our Immanuel team.   
  • Best wishes to staff member Emma Lange who will marry Hudson Noack this Saturday 26/11.  


P.I.E. – Parent Information Evening invite 

  • Wednesday 23 November 2022 starting at 6.15pm (concluding approx 8.30pm)
  • This is for the whole school community to come socialise and to hear about some new curriculum and plans for our school.      
  • Dinner and Drinks @ 6.15pm   (NO COST)
    • Hamburgers (bun, burger, lettuce, tomato, cheese) supplied for parents & children
  • Presentation begins at 7.00pm
    • Introducing the “Keeping Safe” Curriculum  (Mr Boesch)
    • “Cyber Safety” talk (with SAPOL Randall Murch) 
    • “Literacy Plans” for 2023 and beyond (Mr Boesch)
    • Questions and Answers 

·         Crèche  (for F-6 children during presentation time – no cost)

Please RSVP by EOD Tues 22 Nov via the Operoo e-form.  Click this link

We look forward to your company.   


·         2024 Enrolments 

  • If you have a sibling due to start in 2024, please ensure you have submitted the enrolment application form into the school office. 


·         Christmas is Coming – School Family & Friends Event 

  • An invitation from Gawler Lutheran Church Community to all school families to celebrate the countdown to Christmas with an evening of fun children activities, food stalls and carol singing.
  • Friday 2 December starting at 5.00pm to 8.00pm
  • At Immanuel School Gawler Oval
  • Please stay tuned for an invite to be sent via Operoo.  Please RSVP accordingly.


Scholastic Book Club 

  • Catalogues for Issue 8 have been sent home today with students 
  • All orders are due in by this Friday 25 November


Peaceful Kids Program at Immanuel 2023 

  • Local early childhood educator Andrea White will be coordinating the Peaceful Kids Program at Immanuel in 2023.  This is a program re Mindfulness and Positive Psychology to lessen anxiety and stress in children.  
  • She is offering a Free Parent Information Session to explain more on:  
    • Tuesday 6 December at 2.15 to 3.15pm in School Admin building
    • Please RSVP via the e-form soon to be on Operoo 



Term 4

·         Bookings are open online.

·         Reminder that bookings are printed 2pm Fridays for the week ahead. If booking are made by this cut off time they are charged at the permanent rate. All bookings wanted after this cut off time, need to be emailed / texted to Katrina and will be charged at the casual rate.

Question of the week

·         Thanks to parents who are answering our questions of the week that are on our front desk. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as we reflect on our current practices and look for better ways to do things

Big Vac Care

·         The Program is out and bookings are open online. Bookings will close Monday 5December at 10am

·         Accounts need to be under $200 to use the service and bookings will not be finalized until then. Account reminders will come out this week. 

·         Our Vac Care is Thursday 15 to Thursday 22 December and Monday 9 January to Friday 27 January 2023.

·         Children leaving the school can access the service up until the end of December.

·         Year 6s can use the service for the January time aswell.

Homework at iGOSH

·         We are happy to support children who need to do their homework at iGOSH. We allocate ½ hour from 3.40pm to 4.10pm as a homework time. If you would like your child to do homework please add their name to our list on front desk. You will need to add your child each week or if you would like them to do it for the rest of the term, please email Katrina.


Library Borrowing 

  • Borrowing of books for 2023 will conclude at the end of next week (Fri 2/12).  
  • Overdue Library Book Notices have been sent home to applicable students.   Please return books promptly. 


“Backpack 4 SA kids”  - Christmas program

This is a SA Non-Profit Organisation supporting newborn babies through to teenagers who are homeless, placed into foster or emergency care. 

Immanuel Families are invited to donate items for the Christmas Drive 

·         🎁All toys must be new

·         🎁Maximum value of $30.00 per toy

·         🎁Gifts needed for newborns to 18 year olds

·         🎁No weapon or food orientated items

·         🎁Smaller items for stocking fillers

·         🎁Gifts must be unwrapped

·         🎁Make a santa sack (see templates)

·         Or  donate items for the Backpacks(, or donate money.  

All donations can be dropped off to the school front reception before Fri 2/12/22.  These will be collected and sent to the Backpack4SA kids.  More info at


Volunteers for 2023 

Second Hand Uniform Stall 

  • We are seeking another parent volunteer to help open the Second Hand Uniform shop this term and into 2023.  Please let the school office know if you are able to help with this. 

Lyndoch Road Traffic Monitors (Adults) 

  • This is an important role, assisting our students cross the busy Lyndoch Road in the morning or afternoon.  Please start thinking if you can help with this in 2023, and if so please let Daryl or Jenny know.  


What’s on in Term 4

Worship Band playing at Gawler Lutheran Church – Sunday 27 Nov 10.30am – all school families welcome to come along to the Church Service too.  

ICT Information night for 2023 year 4 parents – Weds 30 Nov 7pm

Christmas is Coming Evening Family Event – Fri 2 Dec 5-8pm at Immanuel 

Music Concerts – Recess time during week 8 

End of Term 4 – Last day of school is Weds 14 Dec.  2.15pm End of Year Worship and Praise service.  3.25pm dismissal

Year 6 Graduation evening – Thurs 15 Dec 6.00pm (for Yr 6 students and their parents)


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