Monday memos Week 8 Term 4


Graduation and Celebration Evening

Thursday December 15 in Warrinthi Courtyard.

6.00pm start. (For details refer to Operoo note.)

This is a reminder to please RSVP via Operoo form your intention to attend.

Students are required to be in formal summer uniform for the evening so now is a good time to check the uniform is appropriate.  This includes black shoes and correct socks.  If you need assistance for your child to be in correct uniform for that evening, let us know and the school will support you.

Closing Worship 

Whole school worship service 2.15pm Wednesday December 14. (Reply via Operoo)

Signing stuff

The Class Carer’s group have kindly purchased the gift of a graduation bear for each student for the purposes of signing.Students will receive these bears as part of the graduation evening. 

We ask that students don’t bring things in to be signed during normal school hours and wait for the graduation evening to collect autographs of the many celebrities who will be present.

Library books

All books must be returned ASAP.

 Whole School Updates


Immanuel’s Mini Recess time 11am Instrumental Concerts this week 

  • Monday 5/12 with Dallas in Taikondi
  • Tuesday 6/12 with Dave in Music Tutoring room (up the ramp)
  • Thursday 8/12 with Karen in Taikondi
  • Friday 9/12 with Roger in the Music Room, Dave in the Music Tutoring Room and Michael in Taikondi

Parents / family members can attend too and watch their children perform.

Please sign in at the office and head to the allocated room.   


End of 2022 Year Arrangements

  • Student Semester 2 reports will be sent home on Monday 12 December along with 2023 class lists in a sealed envelope.  2023 book packs will also be sent home.   
  • Our last school day for 2022 is Wednesday 14 December.  The Closing Worship and Praise service will be held at 2.15pm on this day.  Parents will be welcome to attend, however please respond via the e-form on Operoo so that we can assess the risk associated with the rising occurrences of Covid and set up enough seating for everyone.    
  • The Yea6 Graduation and Celebration event will be on the Thursday 15 December starting at 6pm for year 6 students and their parents only.  
  • iGOSH will start the school holiday program from Thursday 15 December 2022



  • Christmas cards and candy canes - we ask that students do not exchange Christmas cards and candy canes etc until the last few days of school – being Mon 12, Tues 13 and Weds 14 Dec.  
  • The School Fee Agreement for 2023 form is required to be signed and returned to the school office ASAP.  (click here to download).   2023 Accounts will be posted to families w/c 19/12
  • Term 4 basketball fees of $60 are now overdue . Please pay the school office ASAP.  
  • Children need to be closely supervised by their parents if playing in the yard after school.
  • Borrowing of Library books for 2022 has now concluded.   Please return all books promptly. 
  • 2024 Enrolments - if you have a sibling due to start in 2024, please ensure you have submitted the enrolment application form into the school office, so that we have your child’s name on our data base.    
  • Uniform / Lost Property - there are still so many rugby jumpers in the lost property box in the office. Please ensure all hats and jumpers / drink bottles and lunch boxes are clearly named so that misplaced items can be returned.  Items not claimed this year will be sorted and if any are in good condition will be sold via the 2nd hand uniform shop next year.
  • Uniform Reminder - from 2023 all students in F, 1, 2 & 3 will wear the sports uniform only  

(ie the formal girls & boys uniform items will not be worn until your child reaches year 4).  See the office staff for uniform purchases.  



  • The new 2023 Foundations will have 2 more visits at Immanuel over the next week.
  • The Zion Preschool will be hold their end of year services here in Taikondi on Tuesday and Wednesday evening next week.


Peaceful Kids Program at Immanuel 2023 

  • Local early childhood educator Andrea White will be coordinating the Peaceful Kids Program at Immanuel in 2023.  This is a program re Mindfulness and Positive Psychology to lessen anxiety and stress in children.  
  • She is offering a Free Parent Information Session to explain more tomorrow:  
    • Tuesday 6 December at 2.15 to 3.15pm in School Admin building
    • Please register your interest for the 2023 program or to the info session via the e-form on Operoo

More information on the Peaceful Kids program can be found at


·         Christmas is Coming

  • It was a wonderful evening of family fun, food, Christmas cheer and fellowship.  Thank you to everyone who could attend. A big thank you to Emma Lange who coordinated the evening, and to members of Gawler Lutheran Church also helped set up and facilitated the food stalls.  


·         Circle Time

  • This Weeks theme is Choose Your Own Adventure’



Vac Care for Dec / Jan Holidays

·         Click here to read the program 

·         Bookings have now closed. For all extra bookings, changes and cancellations, please ring or email Katrina

·         Accounts need to be below $200 (and bookings will not be finalized until then).  Final reminders will be emailed today and payment is required by Wednesday 7 Dec, otherwise your bookings will not be confirmed and may be given to others on waiting lists.

·         There will be no paper consent / confirmation forms this vac-care.  The Confirmation letter will be sent from carebookings, so please ensure your email address is up to date. 
The consent form will come via Operoo.  Please respond promptly.  These forms will not be emailed until accounts are below $200

·         iGOSH will be available from Thursday 15 to Thursday 22 December and Monday 9 January to Friday 27 January 2023.

·         Children leaving the school can access the service up until the end of December.

·         Year 6s can use the service for the January time as well.


Immanuel Insights Newsletter - LOTE Quiz

  • Winner is Torah H (Year 2) 
  • She wins a Subway voucher and drink bottle.


“Backpack 4 SA kids”  - Christmas program

Thank you for your kind donations. 


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