Monday Memo Week 8 Term 1

Maccas or bust
Year 6s proved today that you can get to MacDonalds, order, eat and return within an hour and a half. Good job, Year 6’s.

Spelling will look a bit different over the next couple of weeks. Students will still be asked to complete the syllables, phonemes and language translation, however students may choose 5 words to write into sentences and find the meaning of the other 5 words. 

Morphology is not expected to be done at home.

Mathletics - 1000 points is expected.

Reading- 20 minutes of your own choice 

We were very grateful to the kitchen helpers last week who supported us to create Italian styled food. We look forward to your help again this Thursday.

Canberra Cooking Consortium
Too keep the costs down for Canberra we will be cooking Lasagna and Anzac Biscuits on Sunday April 16 1-5pm.
If you can volunteer for the cooking day in preparation for our Canberra camp please email 

 Term 1 Week 8 Whole School Update…


Cyber Safety Solutions – Parent information evening 

  • Wednesday 12 April 7pm to 8.30pm
  • Helping our kids stay out of “High Tech Trouble” with presenter Susan McLean who is an expert in the field. 
  • A parent only information evening not to be missed!   Families and friends are welcome to attend too.  
  • Venue is Immanuel School Gawler Taikondi
  • Click Here to view more details
  • Students in Yrs 3/4/5/6 will have sessions with Susan on Thursday 13 April.  
  • We are really excited about this opportunity for have these information sessions.  


Swimming Lessons 

  • This week the Foundation and Yr 1 students are swimming at Starplex 
  • Please remember to send the swimwear, towel, goggles, plus some extra food as children get hungry following swimming
  • The School Water Safety Education Program enables students to build upon their water safety knowledge and skills.    


Year 3 Camp 

  • Mr Morgans Year 3 class heads off on camp this Thursday returning Friday.  We wish them a good time.  


Naplan Testing

·         This week the Year 3 and 5 students continue to undertake Naplan with tests on Monday and Tuesday.  Click here for the timetable.  It is important students arrive to school on time so they are relaxed and ready.  


Parents & Friends (P&F)

·         Meeting tonight Mon 20 March at 7pm in Admin Building.  

·         Any parents wanting to join this group are welcome to attend.  Our P&F group do a great job helping at school events, fundraising for special items, plus it’s a great opportunity to get to know other parents in the school.

·         Children love it when their mum or dad can help with things at school.


Harmony Day

  • Tues 21 March.
  • Students can wear their traditional cultural clothing, or a splash of orange (eg T-shirt, ribbons, socks, cap)
  • Sausage Sizzle lunch – remember to bring your $2 for a sausage 
  • Gold coin donations on the day will go to the Finke River Mission through the Lutheran Church of Australia.


Tennis anyone?

·         On Sunday 26 March there is a tennis social fun day from 12.30 to 4.30pm at Gawler Tennis Courts, Victoria Terrace Gawler

·         Immanuel School’s parents and students will have a hit of tennis against Gawler Lutheran Church and Zion Preschool. 

·         If you like to play tennis and want to join us for the day of fun please register via by COD Weds 22/3

So far we have 3 families confirm their registration.  

·         First doubles game for the adults starts at 1.30pm. Hot Shots Tennis and other fun games are being organised for the children

·         BYO picnic lunch, drinks and snacks can be purchased.  


Relay for Life – Cancer Council 

  • Thanks to Nat, Mackenzie, Nathan, Nash, Chase, Stacey, Daryl, Susanne and Simon who participated in this local event on Saturday.  The event raised lots of money for Cancel Council  


STARplex After-School Sports Programs

Basketball and Netball 

  • Basketball Winter Season is Term 2 & Term 3 played on a Monday or Tuesday at Starplex
  • Netball Winter Season is Term 2 and Term 3 played on a Wednesday at Starplex  
  • Students from Foundation to year 6 welcome to join a team  
  • Cost for either sport is $140 participation fee for the 2x term season (approx 16-18 games)

·         Register your interest via this link on Operoo

·         Mr Cochrane will then make contact before end of this term to confirm what teams we can fill

·         Mr Cochrane will also advise current summer Basketball families this week about any outstanding fees 


Worship and Praise

Friday 23 March starting at 10.30am led by Mr Wundersitz

·         Parents and friends are welcome to join us

·         Zion Preschool children will join us for W&P too

·         Last weeks W&P Friday 17 March  

Please ​MOV icon click here to watch W&P led by Mr Trigg 


Coffee B4 Worship & Praise

  • Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers are offering “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise” from 9.45am in Taikondi
  • We welcome any school parents, kindy parents and friends to join us for this prior to the Worship & Praise  



  • Year 4 students led Assembly today Monday 20 March.  The link will be sent home later this week so you can watch from home.    


Easter Church Services

  • Maundy Thursday (6 April) Passover meal at 6.30pm at Immanuel School Gawler
  • Good Friday (7 April) 9am service at Immanuel Worship Centre, 10.30am service at Immanuel School Gawler 
  • Easter Sunday (9 April) 9am service at Immanuel Worship Centre, 10.30am service at Immanuel School Gawler 
  • Click here for more details showing holy communion services  


Passover Meal – Maundy Thursday

  • School families (parents and children) are invited to join Gawler Lutheran Church for the Passover Meal 
  • Thursday 6 April, starting at 6.30pm at Immanuel School Gawler Taikondi
  • No cost, but registration essential via click on ‘make a booking’ and enter code zqu2k


Reminder regarding after school play

  • A reminder that children are not to be playing on the playground after school without the supervision of their parents/caregivers.


Reminder regarding arrival time to school

  • A reminder that students should not arrive to school before 8.30am.  Staff only come onto duty in the yard from 8.30am.  iGOSH is open for those arriving to school between 7am to 8.30am.  


Absentees / Running Late / Picking up Early 

·         If your child is absent, please send through the details via the new Operoo Form at this link  Alternatively you can telephone the school absent line 85225740 (Option 2) by 9.30am.   Please do not email the class teacher or admin staff (as they maybe absent too).   



April Holiday Vac Care

  • The program will come home today. Click here to view online.  Bookings will open 6pm tonight.
  • Accounts need to be below $500 and last vac care paid for to use the service

Term 1 Bookings

  • Bookings close 2pm each Friday for the week ahead.
  • Any bookings needed after this need to be emailed / text / phone call to Katrina. Please don’t make the bookings for the week of via carebookings as we won’t have them in our booking folder, which we download and print at 2pm each Friday.


  • Homework time is offered 3.45 to 4.15pm and supervised by iGOSH staff each afternoon. If you would like your child to be reminded and encouraged to do their homework during this time, please record their name and days required on the list at the iGOSH front desk. Please have the conversations at home if you would like your children to do homework while at iGOSH.


iGOSH is after the following items: 

  • Scrap material
  • Boxes, no larger than cereal size
  • Bottle lids (April Vac Care Day we have planned is using these to create recycled art)

Please drop them off if you are able to donate them, it will be greatly appreciated


Peaceful Kids Program at Immanuel Gawler

  • During Term 1 we have had several children participate in Andrea White's Peaceful Kids Program. 
  • She is now taking registrations of interest to run the program again in Term 2.
    Click here for more information and please contact Andrea direct for more information, or ask at the school office.


Upcoming Events Term 1

·         Thur 23 & Fri 24 March - Camp for Yr 3 M 

·         Thur 30 & Fri 31 March – Camp for Yr 3 R/T 

·         Tues 4, Weds 5Thurs 6 April - Camp for Yr 5 students

·         Thurs 6 April – Maundy Thursday – Passover meal at Immanuel School at 6.30pm  

·         Fri 7 April – Good Friday

·         Mon 10 April – Easter Monday

·         Weds 12 April – SAPSASA Athletics day @ Lyndoch oval – selected students (more details to applicable students soon).

·         Weds 12 April 7pm – High Tech Trouble – Parent Info Session re Cyber Safety solutions

·         Thurs 13 April - Cyber Safety workshop for students in Yr 3/4/5/6

·         Fri 14 April – Last day of Term 1

·         Term 2 returns Monday 1 May  




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