Monday Memos Week 9 Term 2
Last week before holidays is here. May God bless you all over the next period before commencing the second semester.
Street Food Night
This Thursday night is showtime and here are the details:
Start time 6pm (entrees on offer at around 6:30pm)
Guests: 2 people per student. (This allows us to control serving sizes for catering purposes)
Food: Each guest will receive a ticket for an entree, a main and a dessert
Drinks: will be available during the evening (students will be able to collect a can of drink at the end of the night, not before hand)
Dress Code for students: formal school uniform unless they have pre-organised costumes that fit within their cultural theme.
All students need to get there at 6pm so they can help prepare and serve
Finish Time: we aim to wrap up around 8pm but like all hospitality type events we may be going a little longer than that. (After all, kids need to do their dishes)
The ‘t’ sound - with words like: doubt and baguette
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline are delivering a session for us this Friday on Let’s talk about Emotions. Please see the flyer below. If you wish for your child not to be involved, there is a form attached to the weekly email.
Term 2 Week 9 Whole School Update…
Term 2 concludes this Friday 30 June, normal dismissal time 3.25pm. We wish you all a safe and happy 3 week holiday break.
Term 3 returns Monday 24 July. Term 3 is a 10 week term and concludes Friday 29 September.
- iGOSH is open for the 3 weeks of holidays
- Teaching staff are on site next week doing some PD and Training
- Office will be open Mon, Tues, Weds 9am to 3pm.
- Please check your child’s uniform (jumpers and rugby tops) over the holidays to ensure they are clearly named. There are so many unnamed items in the lost property box in the office. For uniform sales over the holidays please email to book a time.
Semester 1 Reports
- These will be sent home with students on Fri 30 June in a sealed envelope along with PLP’s and music tuition reports. Please open at home and share the results with your child.
- (If your child is absent Friday you can collect from the office during opening hours next week.)
Morning arrival
- This week students are going straight into their classrooms upon arrival
- A reminder that:
- Our formal Staff Yard Duty structure begins at 8.30am and so students who are on site before 8.30am (and who are not in iGOSH) are unsupervised and so should not be on site.
- Students on site before 8.15am and not booked into iGOSH will be directed to iGOSH and charges will apply.
- Students on site (but not booked into iGOSH) between 8.15am and 8.30am will be directed to sit on the seats under the shelter in the Warrinthi Upper Courtyard until 8.30am
Dental for Schools
- Dental visits are scheduled this week Tues 27, Weds 28 & Fri 30 June for those families who registered and paid the gap medicare fee.
- The Dental Van will be parked in the driveway alongside Taikondi
- The Dental assistants will collect students from classrooms and take them to the van for their dental appt
- The schedule will most likely start from Foundations working through each class to year 6.
- If your child needs additional treatments the Dental Clinic will contact parents for consent. The additional treatments will most likely occur on the Friday.
Yr 6 Street Food Evening
- Thursday 29 June at 6.00pm held at Immanuel in Warrinthi for year 6 families.
- Students will showcase their country of choice through food and cultural presentations (celebrating their Kitchen/ Garden program).
This week we farewell the following staff:
- Sally Feltus - School Office. We thank Sally for her administration work over the last 12 months and wish her well.
- Leticia Semmler - Year 1 LSA. We wish Leticia all the best as she prepares for the birth of her first child.
- Rebecca Altus - Year 4 Teacher. We wish Rebecca all the best as she prepares for child number 3.
- Shelley Schild and Ann Shillabeer - Relieving Yr 4 Teachers. We thank these 2 ladies who have done a terrific job whilst Mr Jones has been on leave.
- Ben Jones - Year 4 Teacher leaves Immanuel at the end of this term due to personal reasons.
- Next semester we welcome Miss Tayla Yon to the Year 6 Senior Unit teaching team
Employment Vacancy
Gawler Lutheran Church - "New And Renewing Church Leader, New Life Church"
- Gawler Lutheran Church (GLC) is in the process of establishing a school-based church within Immanuel Lutheran School, Gawler called “New Life Church”.
- We are seeking a leader for this new and renewing church venture. This is a new and exciting position, working in conjunction with Gawler Lutheran Schools (inclusive of Zion preschool and Immanuel School) and New Life Church under Gawler Lutheran Church.
- The leader will work in a supportive team with the various volunteers of different teams in the congregation as well as a supportive staff environment at school and GLC.
- For more information, a position description and application details please visit the LCA website.
- Applications close at 5.30pm on Friday 21 July 2023
- More enquiries or further information please contact Joanne Chamberlain on 0466 400 907
- It is important we stay hydrated even in these cooler months. Water is the best option. Recently we have noticed some alternate drinks that are not suitable for school (or the age group).
Cabaret - Friday 23 June 2023 - 6.30pm till 8.30pm
- Cabaret was a great night
- Thanks to all our performing students and staff, thanks to parents who came and supported it and a big thank you to Mr Hueppauff for coordinating it
Glass Jars
- We are still in need of some glass jars with lids to bottle our olives (small / medium size). Please bring to the office.
Worship and Praise
· Friday 23 June W&P was be led by Mr Cochrane. Click W&P T2 W8 Fri 23-6-23 with Mr Cochrane.MOV
to watch from home
· Friday 30 June at 10.30am W&P will be led by Mr John Kowald (GLC member and Bass player in school worship band)
· Parents and friends are welcome to join us
· Zion Preschool children will join us for/ W&P too
· Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers will offer “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise” from 9.45amin Taikondi
- Last Monday (19 June) Assembly was presented by year 1 students.
- Click here to watch from home
Assembly T2 W8 2023 with Yr 1s.MOV
ICAS Competitions 2023
· ICAS competitions start next term for students in year 2-6 (these are optional)
· This year the tests will now be ordered and paid for online using the ICAS Parent Portal
· Click here to find out how to register your child to partake in these
Term 3
· Carebookings is no longer the booking system for iGOSH. It has now been replaced with aNew Parent Booking App. Information is being emailed to families this week so that you can logon and start your term 3 bookings.
· There will also be other changes regarding cancellation periods etc. These will all be outlined in the email as well.
· Only iGOSH account holders can download the Booking App and make the bookings.
· Over the holiday period all updated individual child medical and diet needs will be added to the App
July Vac Care
- Click here to see the holiday program.
- Bookings are closed. If you need to amend any bookings, or request a booking (if places available) please ring Katrina on 0447 661 555 or email
- Everyone has received their confirmation emails
- All forms on Operoo need to be completed: attendance / consent / medical and diet (if applicable) by Tues 27 June.
Wanted Boxes
- If you have boxes, no larger than cereal size, iGOSH would love them. We are always making things in our creative corner and need regular boxes. Please drop them to iGOSH if you have any
Some upcoming Diary Dates for Term 3
· Rugby League Stars Wednesday’s after school 6-week program (for Year 2-6)
Promo link- Come play the NRL League Stars ( / Rego link-
· Weds 9 Aug - VSC Volunteers Training
· Thurs 10 Aug - Open Morning 9.30am
· Mon 14 Aug - Science Week starts
· Mon 21 Aug - Book Week starts
· Fri 25 Aug - Book Week dress up day
· Sat 26 & Sun 27 Aug - Gawler Show weekend
· Weds 30 Aug - School Photo Day
· Thurs 31 Aug - Hot Shots Tennis Carnival
· Fri 1 Sept - Fathers Day stall
· Thurs 7 Sept - Concert night (Junior Primary F-3)
· Fri 8 Sept - Student Free Day
· Fri 22 Sept - Sports Day & Colour Run Day
· Fri 29 Sept - End Term 3