Monday Memos Week 1 Term 3

Wow, where did the last three weeks go? Today we kicked off the second semester by meeting Miss Yon and and having a chance to get to know her. Here are the notes we would like you to know as we move towards the end of the year.

Big things coming this term:

  • School Photos - formal winter uniform will be needed
  • Senior School Concert
  • Preparation for Exhibition
Playberry Literacy Routine

You should receive a letter and information sheet through Operoo today explaining the transition. For us in the Senior Unit, it means that we will not be doing any spelling homework. At this stage, please encourage your child to read at home and complete 1000 points on Mathletics. 


Please be aware that formal uniform is required and that students will be required to wear the uniform for school photos coming up later in the term. Also please remind students that jewellery, hair ties, socks etc need to be in line with the uniform policy.

Term 3 Week 1 Whole School Update…



Welcome back to Term 3.  We hope everyone had a restful break.  This is a 10 week term.  School will break up on Friday 29 September

Welcome to:

  • The new families starting at Immanuel this term. 
  • Meghan Winter who joins Immanuel’s office staff this term.  You may get a phone call or email from Meghan to do with your child’s first aid or other correspondence.
  • New teachers Mr Timothy Smith (Year 4) and Miss Tayla Yon (Year 6)
  • Alana Harvey new Year 1 LSA Classroom Assistant


Morning arrival

  • A reminder that:
    • Our formal Staff Yard Duty structure begins at 8.30am and so students who are on site before 8.30am (and who are not in iGOSH) are unsupervised and so should not be on site.
    • Students on site before 8.15am and not booked into iGOSH will be directed to iGOSH and charges will apply.
    • Students on site (but not booked into iGOSH) between 8.15am and 8.30am will be directed to sit on the seats under the shelter in the Warrinthi Upper Courtyard until 8.30am
  • Today and tomorrow at 8.30am students will move straight into their classrooms upon arrival
  • From Wednesday we will direct students to gather in the following zones from 8.30am   
    • Year 4, 5 & 6 students in Warrinthi Courtyard
    • Year 2 & 3 students in Taikondi
    • Fn & Year 1 students in JP Courtyard and playground when it’s completed, which should be by the end of week 2
    • Students will be told that there is no running around or chasey, instead skipping or quiet activities & games

We hope this approach will assist with students being more settled and ready to begin their lessons in class from 8.50am 


New Literacy Program

  • There have been changes to the schools Literacy program starting this term. 
  • Please refer to the information which will be sent via an Operoo news article early this week. 



Just a reminder on how to enter and exit our carparks along School Lane correctly 

·         Please do not enter School Lane directly from Daly Street

·         To park along School Lane, enter the school carpark off Daly Street, then drive around the kiss and drop lane, turn left to head up School Lane and find a carpark, then exit through the house driveway onto East Terrace

·         To pick up your child from the kiss and drop lane, enter the Daly Street Carpark collect your child and then turn right to head down School Lane to exit onto Daly Street. 

·         This video maybe helpful to watch.   image001.png How to use the new car

·         Please adhere to the speed limit of 10km/h

·         Please note the carparks in Daly St Carpark which are restricted for small cars / bikes only and if you have a big car please do not park there.

·         Please note that there should be no parking along the bituminised end of school lane (we notice a few cars park there, however it is not a parking zone). 


Parents & Friends (P&F)

The Immanuel P&F are a group working together for our school community to deliver experiences for students and their families outside of the classroom.  We work together to provide a friendly community that allows parents to be actively involved in the operation and culture of our school

  • The first meeting for 2023 Term 3 will be held Monday 31 July starting at 7pm in the Admin building.   
  • All parents (new and old) are welcome to come along


Subway Lunches

·         Lunch orders start again this week.   Orders due into the office on a Wednesday by 3.30pmfor lunch on a Friday.

·         Please write clearly on the order form the student name and teacher name

·         Please place in a clear zip bag so we can see order form or insert money in an envelope and stick the order form on the front. 

·         Please have correct cash per student as this goes direct to Subway for counting.  

·         Order forms can be obtained in the office, on our website click here and some have been sent home today


Nut Aware

  • As a ‘Nut Aware’ school we do not prohibit ‘nuts’ across the school. However, when there is a student in a certain year level who has a nut (or another food) allergy, that classroom / cluster may become a ‘nut (etc) free zone’.  Classroom teachers will inform families on this. 


Semester 1 Reports

  • If you didn’t receive your child’s report at the end of last term, these will be sent home with your child this week.  


Worship and Praise

·         This Friday 28 July W&P will be led by Mrs Heidi Gogoll.   

·         Parents and friends are welcome to join us

·         Zion Preschool children will join us for/ W&P too

·         Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers will offer “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise” from 9.45amin Taikondi


Assembly Term 3

  • Monday 14 August with Year 3 students
  • Monday 11 September with Foundation students
  • Parents and friends are welcome to join us


ICAS Competitions 2023

·         ICAS competitions start in week 3 for students in years 2-6 (these are optional and are to be booked by the parent)

·         Subjects include: Digital Technologies, Writing, English, Science, Spelling Bee and Mathematics

·         This year the tests are to be ordered and paid for online using the ICAS Parent Portal  - access code is  NQR466. 
The cut off date for online orders is Monday 31 July 2023.   

·         Click here to read more details including the dates of the ICAS Competitions and the prices of each 



Vac Care

·         Thank you for a wonderful Vac Care.

·         We hope the children enjoyed the days they attended.

·         Week 1 and 2 invoices have been emailed, Week 3 will be emailed this week. Your prompt payment is appreciated.

·         We have a trolley of lost property. Please have a look, any items left after week 2 will be donated to a charity shop.

·         We hope you enjoyed the Seesaw and facebook posts of what we did each day.


New Booking App

We are now using the new Spike Booking App (we don’t use carebookings) Information about downloading the App is on the website

  • All account holders that require bookings at igosh need to download the App and use it for bookings.
  • To log in to the new App you need to use the email address your igosh invoices are emailed too and your pin code you use on the electronic sign in
  • You can only book Permanent Bookings on the App. These are bookings made 2 days (48 hours) before the required session. 
  • Casual Bookings are bookings made with less than 2 days (48 hours) notice. These casual bookings can only be made by contacting the service. To contact the service we ask that you continue to email / text Katrina. Please don’t do this via the message service on the App
  • Bookings made through the App automatically link with the Electronic Sign in
  • Casual Bookings will still be recorded on paper copy.  Students cannot be booked in at last minute or just turn up as bookings and staff ratio are capped.    
  • Cancellations can be made up to 12 hours before the session for no charge to apply. Cancellations with less than 12 hours notice are charged at the full rate. Cancellations with more than 12 hours notice can all be made through the App
  • There are no part sessions (am 8.00 – 8.30am and pm 3.30 – 4.00pm). There are only the full sessions available
  • Am: permanent $16 / casual $19
  • Pm: permanent $22 / casual $25
    • Breakfast will be served until 8.20am
    • Fruit 3.30pm and snack at 4.30pm


Some Diary Dates for Term 3

·         Mon 31 Aug – P&F Meeting at 7pm 

·         Weds 9 Aug - VSC Volunteers Training at 2.30pm and 6.30pm - register via

·         Friday 11 Aug – Bingo Night (P&F Event)

·         Weds 16 to Fri 18 Aug - Year 4 camp

·         Thurs 10 Aug - Open Morning 9.30am

·         Mon 14 Aug - Science Week starts

·         Mon 21 Aug - Book Week starts

·         Fri 25 Aug - Book Week dress up day, parade at 9.15am 

·         Sat 26 & Sun 27 Aug - Gawler Show weekend

·         Sun 27 Aug - Open Day 3.00pm

·         Weds 30 Aug - School Photo Day

·         Fri 1 Sept - Fathers Day stall

·         Thurs 7 Sept – Open Morning 9.30am

·         Thurs 14 Sept – Matinee and Concert night (Upper Primary 4-6)

·         Fri 15 Sept - Student Free Day

·         Fri 22 Sept - Sports Day & Colour Run Day

·         Fri 29 Sept - End Term 3


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