Monday Memos Week 2 Term 3

It’s great that Miss Yon has come back each day and we haven’t scared her off. Also, fingers crossed for a historic run chase tonight by the Australian Cricket team. Below are the points of information that we would like you to be aware of:


We are currently inquiring into curious minds. Individuals who have explored and made discoveries in their fields or industries. To find out more, ask to see the task on your child’s Seesaw account. Students have been encouraged to use some homework time to help them research and present.

Tech Electives

Year 6 students will be involved in tech electives fir four weeks this semester. They will begin this Friday afternoon.

Term 3 Week 2 Whole School Update…


Parents & Friends (P&F) 

  • Join us at the first meeting for Term 3 tonight Monday 31 July starting at 7pm in the Admin building.   
  • Planning Bingo Night, Science week, Book Week, Colour Run, Special lunch  
  • All parents (new and old) are welcome to come along 


Class Carers 

  • Term 3 Meeting on Friday 11 August starting at 9am (sign in at Admin building)
  • For our current Class Carers / plus anyone wishing to join the group are welcome to come along
  • Planning Father’s Day stall and other things  


Bingo Night - Hosted by P&F Group  

  • Friday 11 August, 6.30pm start in Taikondi 
  • Tickets are $10 and will gain you entry on the night and includes 1 bingo book.  
  • Children can attend with you and are welcome to play too (if they are capable).  A ticket (bingo book) @ $10 each needs to be purchased for each player.   
  • Tables of 10 can be set up, so gather your family and friends together.  
  • BYO: Supper and Snacks, Drinks: will be available to purchase on the night 
  • Please RSVP your attendance to help us set up this event via this link on Operoo:


Bingo Night Donations Sought 

  • If any families or business can help with any donations of prizes or giveaways, please let us know through the office or via this link:

  • Items being donated need to be brought into the office by Monday 7 August for sorting into prizes.


Morning arrival 

  • A reminder that:
    • Our formal Staff Yard Duty structure begins at 8.30am and so students who are on site before 8.30am (and who are not in iGOSH) are unsupervised and so should not be on site. 
    • Students on site before 8.15am and not booked into iGOSH will be directed to iGOSH and charges will apply.
    • Students on site (but not booked into iGOSH) between 8.15am and 8.30am will be directed to sit on the seats under the shelter in the Warrinthi Upper Courtyard until 8.30am
  • From 8.30am onwards 
    • Year 4, 5 & 6 students go straight to Warrinthi Courtyard 
    • Year 2 & 3 students meet in Taikondi
    • Fn & Year 1 students use the JP Courtyard and playground when it’s completed, which will be soon.   
  • Students will be told that there is no running around or chasey, instead skipping or quiet activities & games.  We hope this approach will assist with students being more settled and ready to begin their lessons in class from 8.50am  
  • If your child is absent please remember to ring the school absentee line 85225740 #2 and leave a message or submit an operoo absentee e-form on this link


Afternoon departure 

  • Staff supervise students as they leave school at our exits until 3.45pm.  Students not collected will be ushered to the office and parents contacted.  The office closes at 4pm.  Students not collected will be put into iGOSH.  
  • Staff do not supervise students on the playground, so students who play there must be supervised by a parent.      
  • Students are asked not to play on the oval or use school equipment, as our iGOSH students use this area and it becomes very confusing from a supervision and duty of care point of view.


New Literacy Program 

  • There have been changes to the schools Literacy program starting this term.  
  • If you missed the Operoo news article, click here to read about the new program   


Book Club 

  • Issue 5 Catalogues were sent home last week
  • Please submit all orders by Friday 4 August


ICAS Competitions 2023

·        ICAS competitions start in next week for students in years 2-6 (these are optional and are to be booked by the parent) 

·        Subjects include: Digital Technologies, Writing, English, Science, Spelling Bee and Mathematics

·        This year the tests are to be ordered and paid for online using the ICAS Parent Portal  - access code is  NQR466.  
The cut off date for online orders is EOD today Monday 31 July 2023.   

·        Click here to read more details including the dates of the ICAS Competitions and the prices of each  


Learning Conferences  

  • These are an opportunity for parents (and students) to meet and talk with classroom teachers
  • Learning Conferences for Term 3 will be held in the middle of this term.  Dates and Information on how to book a Learning Conference will be sent home via Operoo later this week 


Worship and Praise

·        W&P last Friday 29 July was led by Emma Lange.  
Click on this link 
W&P T3 W1 28-7-23 w' Emma Lange.MOV to watch it from home

·        This Friday 4 August W&P will be led by Mrs Heidi Gogoll.   

·        Parents and friends are welcome to join us

·        Zion Preschool children will join us for/ W&P too

·        Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers will offer “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise” from 9.45am in Taikondi


Assembly Term 3

  • Monday 14 August 2.45pm with Year 3 students
  • Monday 11 September 2.45pm with Foundation students 
  • Parents and friends are welcome to join us 


Non-Government Schools Census 

  • This survey provides information about the number and characteristics of the school’s staff and student body during a specific reference period. Characteristics include student year level and workload, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students, students with disability, students receiving distance education, boarding students, and overseas students. The names of students and staff are not collected.
  • Census date is Friday 4 August.  Please click here for further information



New Booking App

We are now using the new Spike Booking App (we don’t use carebookings) Information about downloading the App is on the website

·       All account holders that require bookings at igosh need to download the App and use it for bookings.

·       To log in to the new App you need to use the email address your igosh invoices are emailed too and your pin code you use on the electronic sign in

·       You can only book Permanent Bookings on the App. These are bookings made 2 days (48 hours) before the required session. 

·       Casual Bookings are bookings made with less than 2 days (48 hours) notice. These casual bookings can only be made by contacting the service. To contact the service we ask that you continue to email / text Katrina. Please don’t do this via the message service on the App

·       Bookings made through the App automatically link with the Electronic Sign in

·       Casual Bookings will still be recorded on paper copy.  Students cannot be booked in at last minute or just turn up as bookings and staff ratio are capped.    

·       Cancellations can be made up to 12 hours before the session for no charge to apply. Cancellations with less than 12 hours notice are charged at the full rate. Cancellations with more than 12 hours notice can all be made through the App

·       There are no part sessions (am 8.00 – 8.30am and pm 3.30 – 4.00pm). There are only the full sessions available

ü  Am: permanent $16 / casual $19

ü  Pm: permanent $22 / casual $25

o   Breakfast will be served until 8.20am

o   Fruit 3.30pm and snack at 4.30pm



  • We are creating recycled art next week and would like some donations of “soft plastics” eg chip / food wrappers. If you could drop these off over this and next week, that would be appreciated. They need to be clean, no food on them.


Changes to Planning and Documenting

  • There have been some changes to the Frameworks we use for planning as well as the way we are required to document child involvement in the activities that we plan. The change is moving away from individual OBs / documentation and moving to more group OBs and sharing of what children do. Over this term you will start to see these changes as we continue to share OBs via Seesaw. There is also a focus on Wellbeing. At iGOSH we are introducing walks and yoga into our morning routine. This week we will trial the morning walks (within the school grounds) and yoga. We hope to share this with you next week.


Some Diary Dates for Term 3

·        Weds 9 Aug – Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) Training for parent volunteers.  At 2.30pm and 6.30pm.  Register via the office or email

·        Weds 16 to Fri 18 Aug - Year 4 camp 

·        Thurs 10 Aug - Open Morning 9.30am

·        Fri 11 Aug – Class Carers Meeting 9am  

·        Mon 14 Aug - Science Week starts

·        Mon 21 Aug - Book Week starts 

·        Fri 25 Aug - Book Week dress up day, parade at 9.15am  

·        Sat 26 & Sun 27 Aug - Gawler Show weekend

·        Sun 27 Aug - Open Day 3.00pm

·        Weds 30 Aug - School Photo Day

·        Fri 1 Sept - Fathers Day stall

·        Thurs 7 Sept – Open Morning 9.30am

·        Thurs 14 Sept – Matinee and Concert night (Upper Primary 4-6) 

·        Fri 15 Sept - Student Free Day 

·        Fri 22 Sept - Sports Day & Colour Run Day 

·        Fri 29 Sept - End Term 3

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