Monday Week 5
Dear Year 6 Parents,
Welcome to Week 5! We had a great day today out at Para Wirra exploring the natural world around us and learning orienteering skills. This week is Book Week, we can’t wait to see all of your children’s costumes at the 9:15am parade on Friday.
Jared and Tayla
Some updates for school concert are below, outlining costumes for any child cast in the concert. Costumes need to be brought in to school from Week 6.
o They are Villagers set in Arabia.
o Some kids could be pick pocketers, Musicians, Market sellers, buyers etc..
o Something like picture
o Girls could wear simple long dress, baggy floaty pants, shirt.
o Could be just some pants with a shirt. Add a vest or apron.
Keeping Safe Curriculum:
A reminder that next week (Week 6), we will begin to deliver the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum for this term. As outlined last week, the Focus Area for Term 3 is ‘Recognising and Reporting Abuse’. Please see last week’s Monday Memos for more information about the content and what to do if you have any questions, queries or concerns.
Term 3 Week 5 Whole School Update…
No Dog Policy
- Just a reminder about Immanuel’s “No Dog Policy” – that is dogs are not allowed on school grounds during the school day (7am to 6pm)
Learning Conferences
- These are an opportunity for parents (and students) to meet and talk with classroom teachers. There are 3 more days / times. The booking system will close tomorrow morning at 8am, so if you have yet booked please do so.
- Tuesday 22 August 3.45pm - 7.30pm
- Thursday 24 August 3.45pm - 6.00pm
- Tuesday 29 August 3.45pm - 7.30pm
- To book go to this link
- There is more information on Operoo filed under News Articles and on our Website here
Book Week & Dress Up Day
· This week is Book Week; theme is “Read, Grow, Inspire”
· On Friday 25 August students can dress up as their favourite book character for the day.
· Whole School Costume Parade starts at 9.15am in Taikondi. Parents and friends welcome to come along and watch.
(Costumes don’t need to cost parents too much. Just a creative design can often be made with some card or scrap material and ribbons. They do need to be tailored so students can endure classroom learning and school day activities.) If your child chooses not to dress up please wear normal school uniform.
School Photo Day
- Wednesday 30 August. Student photos, class group photos and sibling photos will be taken.
- Student envelopes with photo options and pricing have been sent home. Please read the instructions to follow the payment options and return all envelopes to the front office by Friday 25 August, regardless if you are ordering or not.
- Sibling photo envelopes are available from the office
- Students in year 4, 5 & 6 will wear their formal school uniform (including green jumper). Students in Fn, 1, 2, & 3 will wear their sports uniform (including the rugby jumper).
Absentees / Running Late / Picking up Early
- If your child is absent, please send through the details via the new Operoo Form at this link or telephone the school absent line 85225740 (Option 2) by 9.30am. Please do not email the class teacher or admin staff.
- The school day begins at 8.50am. Parents are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that their child/ren arrive at school in plenty of time to be well enough organised so they are INSIDE their classroom at 8:50am. Students who arrive after this time are considered late and need to be signed in at the office by the parent / caregiver.
- The school day ends at 3.25pm so children are expected to be at school until this time. If you need to pick up early a note to your teacher in the morning is really helpful. Phone calls to the office are welcome, although can be delayed if other priorities come along. Please report to the school office and sign your child out whilst your child is called to the office.
Keeping well and healthy.
- We’ve had a few confirmed cases of Influenza A at Immanuel, as well as covid and general colds and tummy viruses.
- Please remind children about good hygiene practices. If your child is unwell please rest them at home until all symptoms have gone.
ICAS Competitions 2023
- ICAS Science and Spelling Bee competitions will be held this week for applicable students in years 2-6. Mathematics will take place next week.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
- The Premier’s Reading Challenge finishes on Friday 8 September. Remember this year there are two challenges – the 12 book challenge and the 20 book challenge. We have 17 days of reading left.
Worship and Praise
- W&P last Friday 18 August was led by Pastor Anthony. Click on this link
W&P Fri 18-8-23 w' Pastor Anthony.MOV to watch it from home
- This Friday 26 August W&P will be led by Richie Cochrane.
- Parents and friends are welcome to join us.
- Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers will offer “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise” from 9.45am in Taikondi
Assembly Term 3
- Last Monday 14 Aug Year 3 students presented at Assembly. Please click here to watch from home.
Assembly T3 W4 Mon 14-8-23 with Yr 3s.MOV
- Next Assembly on Monday 11 Sept at 2.45pm will be with Foundations.
- Parents and friends are welcome to join us
Booking App Reminders
· You can only book Permanent Bookings on the App. These are bookings made 2 days (48 hours) before the required session.
· Casual Bookings are bookings made with less than 2 days (48 hours) notice. These casual bookings can only be made by contacting the service.
· Bookings made through the App automatically link with the Electronic Sign in
· Casual Bookings will still be recorded on paper copy. Students cannot be booked in at last minute or just turn up as bookings and staff ratio are capped.
· Cancellations can be made up to 12 hours before the session for no charge to apply. Cancellations with less than 12 hours notice are charged at the full rate. Cancellations with more than 12 hours notice can all be made through the App
New payment bank account
- Please make note of the change of bank account details for payment of iGOSH fees. This was on last weeks invoice. There will be a change over period where both accounts will receive payments. But if you could please begin using the new details that would be appreciated.
Pupil Free Day
- Friday 15 September iGOSH will be open. If you require this day, please book via the Spike Booking App. Bookings will close Monday 11 September for this day. We will have activities on offer, more information to come in the coming weeks.
October Vac Care
· The program will be out next Monday 28 August. A paper copy will come home and it will also be on Operoo.
· Bookings will open on the New Spike Booking App on Wednesday 30 August.
· Bookings will be open for around 2 weeks.
· There have been changes to cancelations and casual bookings because of the new App. More information will come next week.
Parent Fortnightly Question
· Please spend a few minutes answering our question which is on our front desk.
· These questions help us with our planning and programming.
School Concert- Upper Primary (4,5 & 6)
- This year’s concert is on Thursday 14th September.
- Matinee performance at 1:30pm
- Evening performance at 6:30pm
Stay tuned for further details and how to book tickets.
Student Free Day
- Friday 15 September
- iGOSH will be open for those families needing OSHC.
Other Diary Dates for Term 3
· Sat 26 & Sun 27 Aug - Gawler Show weekend
· Sun 27 Aug - Open Day 3.00pm
· Thus 31 Aug - Hot Shot Tennis (for applicable Yr 4/5’s)
· Fri 1 Sept - Fathers Day stall
· Sun 3 Sept – Fathers Day
· Thurs 7 Sept – Open Morning 9.30am
· Fri 22 Sept - Sports Day & Colour Run Day
· Fri 29 Sept - End Term 3