Monday Memos Week 7 Term 4
Creeping closer and closer to the end of the year, but the work doesn’t stop… Academics The big ticket item in class right now is responding to the Ted Hughes novel The Iron Man. The Playberry literacy routines will continue through to the end of the year and in maths we are currently playing around with algebra and problem solving. End of Year Guff As a part of the student graduation, we are after a photo of each child from when they commenced school (Foundation). If your child commenced at a different school, we would love it if you could email us a digital copy so we can add it to the presentation. For the graduation evening, it is expected that students are wearing formal summer uniform. That includes socks 😁 Signing gear - we understand that kiddies (and adults) love this and that’s ok. History tells us that it also becomes a great distraction and sometime comments aren’t always written with kindness in mind. We will be talking to students about this but w...