Monday Memos Week 4 Term 4

Exhibition Week

Welcome to Exhibition presentation week. Everything for this week is all about the Exhibition. The space is starting to take shape and finishing touches are on the go. Students are encouraged to wear a costume or uniform befitting their groups theme or they should be wearing formal uniform for the evening. 

The Exhibition is being held in the Warrinthi Basement from 6.00 - 8pm. At 6:00, we ask that guests congregate on the grass outside the Warrinthi Basement. The official opening will be at 6:30 after which you will be invited to look through the exhibits.

A sausage sizzle will be provided for Parents and Caregivers and drinks will be available.

All students are expected to attend the Exhibition Evening. Please email us with any extenuating circumstances. 

Donations please: 

Just so you are aware, there is one group in particular who would like to collect donations for the World Wildlife Federation (WWF). The students in that group would appreciate any monies you are willing to part with on the evening. 

We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday evening.

Term 4 Week Whole School Update…


Its going to be a busy week with lots happening at Immanuel 


Year 6 Exhibition

  • This will be held Weds 8 Nov starting at 6pm for our year 6 students and their families.  
  • Year 6s have put a lot of work into their displays so we look forward to their exhibition of learning.  


Year 1 Sleep Over & Incursion Day

  • Thurs 9 November
  • We hope the Year 1s (and their parents) are a tad excited about this.  


Open Day

  • Thurs 9 Nov 9.30am 
  • This is for families looking at schools and wanting to enroll.
  • If current families have siblings due to start school in 2025 please ensure you have submitted an enrolment application form so we can ensure their names are on our data base.     


Special Friends Day 

  • Friday 10 November 9.30am to 12 noon
  • This is an opportunity for students to show their Special Friends / Grandparents their classroom and some of the things they do at our school.
  • A light morning tea, coffee/tea will be provided for our guests.
  • Car parking available in our carparking areas and on the oval

9.30 - 10.15am:

  • Visit Classrooms (for students with surname A-M)  &

Morning Tea in Taikondi (for students with surname N-Z) 

10.15 - 11.00am

  • Grandparents / Special Friends are entertained by performances in Taikondi and a talk by our Principal Mr Trigg

(Students will have their recess break)

11.00 – 11.45am:

  • Visit Classrooms (for students with surname N-Z)  &

Morning Tea in Taikondi (for students with surname A-M)


  • Special Friends / Grandparents can take their child home  (please sign out with the class teacher) 


Worship and Praise

  • W&P this Friday 10 November starting at 9.00am and will be led by Foundation Mr Blasche’s class   
  • Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers will offer “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise”


Literacy at Immanuel

We have made the first of a series of brief videos to share with our community about Literacy and our approach to it. We hope you enjoy it and find it informative. Click here to watch ​mp4 icon Immanuel's Literacy Program Nov 2023.mp4


World Kindness Day: Monday 13th November – Week 5

World Kindness Day is an event to Inspire and encourage people to show greater kindness to each other. Focusing on building skills and habits of kindness in our everyday lives.  We would like to celebrate World Kindness Day by:

  • Having a Casual Dress Day  (Wear something bright and happy) – please bring a gold coin donation. 
  • Before School: Immanuel Church Gawler are cooking us a FREE Pancake Breakfast
  • During the day: Fun activities (including badge making) and promotion of World Kindness Day and the benefits of being kind to each other. 
  • Kindness Challenge –  all students will be given a Kindness Challenge sheet. This will be a list of kind things they could do across the week. There is also 2 reflection questions at the bottom and an area to list a charity of choice. Completed forms to be handed into the Kindness Box in the front office by Friday 9am. All entries receive a thank you gift.
  • Friday at W&P – A winner of the of the Kindness Challenge will be randomly drawn out of the Kindness Box, with the winner having their charity of choice being the recipient of the money we raised on the day. 
  • P&F will also be handing out a Zooper Dooper to each child after W&P on Friday. 

Immanuel Insight Quiz Winner

Indie W 4E, Indie wins a subway voucher.




New pay as you go System

·       Please sign and return the new direct debit / fee agreement by the end of this week.   

iGOSH Christmas Closure Dates

  • Friday 22 December 2023 to Friday 5 January 2024
  • The Dec / Jan Holiday program will be finalised and shared with parents next week.  


What else is on in Term 4

Car Boot Sale (Garage sale @ Immanuel) – Sat 18 Nov 8.30am to 12 noon – Come along a find a bargain.  Book a sle site for $10 / Car – book via this Operoo link

Open Day – Sun 19 Nov 3.00pm

Foundation Big Day Out – Fri 24 Nov

1:1 iPad meeting for yr 3 parents Weds 29 Nov (TBC) 

Open Day - Thurs 30 Nov 9.30am

Christmas is Coming Event – Fri 1 Dec evening   

End of Term 4 – Last day of school is Weds 13 Dec.  Closing Worship & Praise service at 2pm

Year 6 Graduation evening – Thurs 14 Dec 6.00pm (for Yr 6 students and their parents)

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