
Showing posts from February, 2021

Monday Memos Week 6 Term 1

Welcome to another week in the Senior Unit. Hope you all have some relaxing plans set in place for the upcoming long weekend. Here is some Senior Unit intel to consider before you get there... Learning Conferences The Senior Unit Learning Conferences will be held in the library due to our shared space with iGosh. For those unaware, our library is in the back section of the administration block. (Directly across the back of the building site) Maths Tomorrow Can students please bring in tomorrow a disposable container that can be used for measuring liquids (ie milk bottle etc) Camp The Canberra camp is booked for Saturday the 22nd May to Friday the 28th May. As there is still plenty of planning going on behind the scenes a final cost cannot be calculated yet. Using what we know and a few estimates, the final cost will be around $650. When we have the exact details we will let you know the exact cost.  As we get closer to the date and have more information finalised, we will share mor...

Monday Memos Week 5 Term 1

Time is flying, week five already. A special thank you to Vicki, Sarah and Emily for coming along on a fairly warm day to enjoy some portraiture and street art. It was great to hear students openly discussing what the observed and understood about the art works they have seen. Spelling : List 4 words The prefixes for numbers 4,5,6 UOI In recent weeks we have been exploring ourselves and the influences on our lives. With this as a background, we will start to look at how choices that we make impact our well-being. Our recent art gallery visit will feed into this unit as we prepare to create their own self-portrait. Whole School Update… Open Day ·          Tuesday 23 February at 9.30am ·         If you know of any new families looking to enrol, please share these details ·         If you have a sibling due to start school in 2022 or 2023 please ensure you ...

Monday Memos Week 4 Term 1

Getting into the swing of things now, still looking for some improvements as we always do. here is a few bits and pieces you should know... Excursion to the Art Gallery This Thursday is an excursion to the Art Gallery of South Australia. This afternoon you should have received a consent form for this excursion. If you are able to volunteer your time to come on a bus or even drive a group into the city, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Don't forget sports uniform and a packed recess/lunch for this excursion. Spelling We are working on List 3 this week. Great to see students translating their lists into the LOTE language they are studying. Mathletics Great start by students with a large number of students reaching 1000 points last week. Keep it up. Whole School Update… Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake Day) – tomorrow! Tuesday 16 February  - students and parents can come join us between  8.00am to 8.45am  to have a pancake for brekky. Under the shel...

Monday Memos Week 3 Term 1

Excursion Thursday, February 18 the Senior Unit will be visiting AGSA-Art Gallery South Australia in North Terrace, Adelaide. We require volunteers to drive a group of students for this excursion so if you are free and willing to assist please be in touch via email.  Uniform  Thank you for the excellent standards you are encouraging.  Sport uniform:Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Formal uniform; Wednesday and Thursday. Spelling Great commitment to spelling homework this week. It has been pleasing to see so many students completing work conscientiously. Mathletics Keep up with encouraging 1000 points per week. Reading We are in the process of collecting data to allow students to access literacy pro. We hope to visit the library this week. Lyndoch Road Traffic Monitor Duty consent Please return the consent form for your child to assist as a traffic monitor asap so a roster can be developed  Whole School Update… Aquatics for Found, Year 1 & 2’s Notes for ...