Monday Memos Week 8 Term 4

You can pretty much smell the end of the year. its just that close.Here is a couple things you should know... iPads - next steps This Friday, the student iPads will need to be left at school so that they can be prepared for the following year (be it wiped clean for student purchase or setup for future use as a shared device). A letter should of been received today as to the exact process that will take place. If there are any photos or files on the iPads that the students would like to make sure they keep, we would encourage them to Airdrop, download or email themselves those files while at home over the next couple nights. Year 6 Celebration - With the current impacts and regulations in place due to Covid19, events to celebrate the graduating students will be restricted to the End of Year Service. The plan at the moment, is that there will be 2 seats available per graduating student for parents to reserve through online registration. More information will come out shortly....