
Showing posts from August, 2021

Monday Memos Week 7 Term 3

Now that footy finals have kicked off in the National competition, it’s time for us to kick off with our next Unit of Inquiry… Exhibition. The Exhibition will be based on the theme Sharing the Planet. To get the juices flowing for this, we will be taking the students out on a local excursion making observations on local community issues.  Here are the dot points for the week: Exhibition Local Excursion:  This excursion will take place tomorrow (Tuesday 31st Aug) and will include walking and a. Us trip through and around the Gawler area. We will be walking a reasonable distance so students can wear their sports uniform for the day. If you have any concerns about the local excursion for your child, please let us know ASAP.  Spelling List 22 - ‘ui’ or ‘u’ for the ‘i’ sound  Examples: business, circuit Phones @ School There are a few school protocols not being followed at the moment by a few students with phones. Some of the key points are: - Students leaving phones in b...

Monday Memos Week 6 Term 3

As we hit the second half of the term, here are some key points… Spelling   List 21 - Silent ‘P’ UOI   Finishing of our How the World Works unit. Some of the work that is coming in looks fantastic.  Next UOI Next week we will begin to introduce the Exhibition process and setting up our areas of inquiry. For a little more information on ‘What is Exhibition’, you can hit this link up. Now the general information for the school… COVID Requirements We continue to ask that Parents / Caregivers are not on site any more than is necessary Access to classrooms and other school buildings will remain limited to staff, students and essential services  Parents/caregivers when entering the school will need to wear a face mask and check in via the QR code or complete the hard copy sign-in sheet in the office It remains essential that staff, students and others do not come on the school site if they are unwell and that they get tested for COVID-19 Parent...

Monday Memos Week 5 Term 3

Welcome to another week. We must say that it was a struggle to get through with no Olympics to watch. Here are a few pointers for this week… IPad Charging We have recently had a spate of iPads not being charged and ready to be used at school. While we are ok with students using our chargers in emergencies, it seems that some repeat offenders are not charging their iPads at home at all. This is causing some issues in class as those students are often not organised and ready to begin lessons, nor at times are they able to complete work effectively as their iPads have gone flat. We ask that you please support and encourage your child to be more organised and prepared for school. This is important as part of their development as they head towards their secondary education. Formal Uniform this Wednesday for School Photos Spelling We are looking at the combination of m with a b, e or n. For example: numb, come, hymn Unit  of Inquiry - Renewable Sources This week sees us continue with an ...

Monday Memos Week 4 Term 3

We continue to move forward in our learning and some of us are showing growing in maturity too (like Mr Semmler). Here are the things to you may want to know… Spelling   Spelling List 19, sounds of ‘t’  Learning Conferences If you haven’t signed up yet, please do. Circle Time We are focussing on ‘emotions’ this term. To help us out, we would like kids to bring in a photo or memento of a happy time for next Monday’s Circle Time. This would be greatly appreciated. And here is the gear from the whole school perspective… COVID Requirements It will continue that Parents / Caregivers are respectfully asked not to be on site any more than is necessary Access to classrooms and other school buildings will remain limited to staff, students and essential services  If parents/caregivers need to enter the school they will need to wear a face mask and check in via the QR code or complete the hard copy sign-in sheet in the office.   It remains essential that staff, students an...

Monday Memos Week 3 Term 3

As things get back to normal in the world of learning here are the things we are aware of that we seek to let you know about… Spelling   List 18 - Silent ‘h’ UOI - How We Organise Ourselves This week we endeavour to vote for our student parliamentary roles. Good luck to all those who have self nominated. COVID Requirements  - Visitors onsite  •           It will continue to be vital that all staff, contractors and visitors, including parents/caregivers, use the COVID-Safe check-in whenever entering school  grounds.    •           Access to classrooms and other school buildings will remain limited to staff, students and essential services (allied health professionals, construction and maintenance workers).  If parents/caregivers need to enter the office, they will need to check in via the QR code or complete the hard copy sign-in sheet. •  ...